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Force turrets on beta?


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Force guns are functional in beta.

They have four "types" of "damage" values: Pull, Push, Self Pull and Self Push.

The first two affect the target while the latter affect you, so a Push/Self Pull is a good one for throwing.

Force guns are very weak, asteroids are very dense and collision damage has been nerfed :(. Targeting is very difficult (if the camera is above your ship, the target will go slightly upwards, and so on) unless you have a vessel expressly designed, or rotation-locked turrets so you're sure to fire directly in front of our ship.

Four-five turrets starts to have an effect (five xanion turrets can push in 10 seconds a Dualefort Station at a speed of around 90-120 m/s), while single turrets' push/pull tend to be absorbed by the target's inertial dampening though NPC ships tend to have almost no Inertial Dampeners, and asteroids obviously don't, though the base inertia multiplied by their mass isn't to ignore.

It's very tedious for not much effect though, but it's a way to damage things without angering their factions ::). I don't know how effective it is against stations as I never tried it though.

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