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Design menu FPS drop


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As this seems to be a wide spread issue, even for myself, I've done some mild trouble shooting within the game and seem to have discovered that the actual rendering of the thumbnail for ship designs, regardless of being workshop content or local files, is the source of the massive drops people are experiencing in-game. I have not been able to find a workaround in the game so far, and it seems that people begin to experience frame drop when loading roughly 10-15 designs, which makes foldering designs locally to reduce frame drop a fairly unreasonable task. My guess is that it's due to the thumbnails being fully rendered stills of designs, instead of jpg images, which leads to massive PC resource drain to persistently load the thumbnails.


If anyone DOES know of a workaround for this where the game will load image files for the thumbnails instead of .xml models, or if i'm just flat our wrong and you can correct me, it would be massively appreciated, otherwise i REALLY hope that the devs change the way thumbnails appear in the design window and soon, as it unfortunately literally makes the game unplayable for a good handful of people including myself.

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