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Some functions and ideas



First I clarify that I am translating with the Google translator because I am Argentine and I do not know much English


I think of ideas to improve the functions of the game:


1-The areas to place the turrets designed by hand must be marked individually to save the model of the turret, it would be good to mark them with some key (example the shift) to all and then load the images of the turrets.


2-Regarding the construction of ships, comes a point that is too large and if you want to build something in the middle of the ship or some change you have to be copying half of the ship and borrandolo, then arming the center and returning to paste and transform the blocks, this becomes a problem for a lot of blocks that cover the ship, it would be a good way to partition the ship with a saved and to move the blocks as much distance separating it from the ship for a moment, to build a center or some other part and returning it to unite with the rest of the ship


3-When we paint a small ship it is not a problem for the blocks, but when a ship is huge, or with a lot of blocks, it is very complex to paint it, it would be a way of saving areas of ships, which by default fulfill a design, how to paint the number 1 and that this is related to certain areas of the ship, so we paint that area in several ways without having to paint block by block (but leave the basic mode of painting because it is fine to paint block by block too) and it would be good to charge for the painting, after all it is not free and it is a bit more realistic in the game the economy


4-Create a "window" mode, for example, as a box that opens and closes to protect the turrets, the turrets would be inside the box and when we open it with a key you can see and shoot, they are also protected for collisions and such a system is good


5-Release the block size limit, this restricts the block to 0.50, but it would be nice to be able to lower it more to make more details on the ship without it being reset to the default block size


6-New rotating block, this block would turn the rest of the blocks that are attached to it, like a star base that has that big circle around it and that this tour orbits certain blocks, this would look like a rotating ferris wheel with that block attached to those blocks that we would want them to move


Edited 03/03/19


7-The ammunition (except laser or plasma) that consumes ammunition, this could be manufactured in the same ship with the assembly block, in factories or purchased from merchants, for the realistic touch of spending ammunition with the change of being perforating, damaging shields, explosive, etc.


8-Block EMP or electromagnetic pulse, would destabilize the enemy ship for so long depending on the mass of blocks that the ship carries, both lasers and engines would not work, even turrets of ammunition if they could. (good strategy for when they chase you in an area of ​​asteroids and active emp and they collide with all the rocks)


Own ideas although it may be that someone has already named or implemented the game and I did not realize it, advise

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5-release the block size limit, this restricts the block to 0.50, but it would be nice to be able to lower it more to make more details on the ship without it being reset to the default block size


It's not an elegant solution at all, but do you know you can scale down premade stuctures of 0.5 block size even further? That might help you a little.

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If I know, but I said to keep that size, because when you shrink the block and then you want to change its size they go back to their normal limits (that is, it enlarges to 0.50), it could be like a button to confirm if you want to keep the limits or not.

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