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[MOD] Sector Overview - continued - 0.21.x


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Starting from game version 0.23 mod is moved to the Steam Workshop.


This mod was originally developed by shulrak. I really like it so I decided to continue his work.




Needs to be installed on both client and server.

Works on 0.21.x+.


This mod adds a button in the top right corner that opens a window where you can find tabs with all stations and gates in sector. By clicking station/gate name you will target it.

The third tab allows to add players in the 'tracking list'. Every time you'll reopen the window, mod will refresh player coordinates. Then you can select a player name and click 'Show on Galaxy Map' to center your map on their sector.



1. Optionally install i18n - Internationalization if you want to use this mod in your language.


2. Unpack the mod archive in your Avorion folder, not in a "data" folder.


3. Open "data/scripts/entity/init.lua" and add the following code to the bottom of the file:

if not entity.aiOwned and (entity.isShip or entity.isStation or entity.isDrone) then entity:addScriptOnce("mods/SectorOverview/scripts/entity/sectoroverview.lua") end -- MOD: SectorOverview


4. (Version 0.5+) Open "data/scripts/player/init.lua" and add the following code to the bottom of the file:

Player():addScriptOnce("mods/ClientData/scripts/player/client/clientdata.lua") --MOD: ClientData




It is safe to uninstall, this mod can't corrupt your galaxy. Just remove the line you added during installation and folder "SectorOverview" folder from "mods".




Config file is located in the "mods/SectorOverview/config" folder.

Client settings:

  • WindowWidth (number) - controls UI window width.
  • WindowHeight (number) - controls UI window height.

Server settings:

  • AllowPlayerCoordinates (true/false) - if this setting is false, server will not reveal player coordinates and the Players List tab on client side will be hidden.






Help to Translate

Currently supported languages: English, Russian. You can help to translate this mod:


  • Sector Overview
  • Station List
  • Gate List
  • Player List
  • Show the selected player on the galaxy map.
  • Add the selected player from the combo box to the list of tracked players.
  • Remove the selected player from the list of tracked players.
  • Add
  • Show on Galaxy Map






  • Added: New dependency - 'ClientData'. It's already included in the mod archive, just follow additional instruction in the 'Installation' section.
  • Improved: Now player tracking list is synced between all ships (drone too), stations and sectors within current game session.


  • Fixed: "'entity' is nil" when removing players from tracking list.


  • Fixed: Setting 'AllowPlayerCoordinates' to false prevented UI from updating.


  • Fixed: Gate list didn't work with languages other than English.
  • Added: With an optional dependency "i18n", mod UI can be translated (current translations: Russian)
  • Added: Config file where you can change window size and disable player coordinate fetching (can be useful on PvP servers).
  • Improved: Station list now shows translated station names.
  • Improved: Updated to Avorion 0.21.4.
  • Changed: Behaviour of the 'Player List' tab:
    * Player coordinates now being fetched immediately after adding them in the 'tracking list'.
    * 'Tracking list' is now synced between all ships and stations in the sector.
    * 'Show on Galaxy Map' button now just shows player sector instead of requesting coordinates.





  • Keep player tracking list after exiting into drone or moving to another sector.



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Found a way to keep data on client side even after jumping in another sector.  :)



  • Added: New dependency - 'ClientData'. It's already included in the mod archive, just follow additional instruction in the 'Installation' section.
  • Improved: Now player tracking list is synced between all ships (drone too), stations and sectors within current game session.

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