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Avorion uses mixed slahes on Windows and this breaks scripts


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Avorion: 0.25.2

Windows 10 x64


I have a script "data/scripts/player/gatefounder.lua" that is attached to a Player object. When I look at the Player object in a dev-mode debug window, I see that for some reason it has following path: "data\scripts\player\gatefounder.lua". Some scripts have forward slashes in their path and some - backwards.

I'm trying to execute following code on sever side:

print(player:hasScript("data/scripts/player/gatefounder.lua")) -- returns 1, so script is attached
local status, success = player:invokeFunction("data/scripts/player/gatefounder.lua", "found", tx, ty, "confirm")

So I should get 0 as my 'status' (according to the Docs) and function return value as my `success`.

But 'status' is 3, which means that "the given script was not found in the entity". But it is attached to the object.


Then I try to use:

local status, success = player:invokeFunction("data\\scripts\\player\\gatefounder.lua", "found", tx, ty, "confirm")

And everything works just fine.


Please either fix  "invokeFunction" or make sure that Avorion transforms all paths to have forward slashes. Because currently I have to invoke function 2 times each time.

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