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Crafted vs looted turrets


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I'm still fairly new, so not sure what constitutes as OP, but this is what I've gotten so far from a lot of research (haven't reached core, yet):


Cannon, Tech 17, Naonite, 12k DPS (Burst Fire), size 1.5

Cannon, Tech 17, Naonite, 3k DPS, size 1.5

Chaingun, Tech 37, Trinium, 11k DPS, size 1.5

PDC, Tech 37, Iron, 189 DPS, size 0.5


Though I realize now you're asking about crafted and I haven't done those yet due to the component requirements (finding it a pain in the neck flying around trying to find someone who sells the different parts).

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The very best turrets will be generated at Research Stations. However I still recommend the use of turret factories as you can easily manufacture 30 to50k omicron turrets in the xanion area Near the Core.


You know, I am curious... is there a reason weapons get that powerful?  Are the ships you'll encounter in the core that tough, or are things just not fully balanced out yet (and planned to be delt with)?  I've been floating around in Xanion space lately and the weapons I have now are so powerful that they shred everything I encounter. :/  I can't even image getting ones that're almost 50k or more....

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Well, let me answer your question trying to Not nclude Spoilers...

Ist has been a while since i have been playing on Public Servers, Things were even less Balanced than they are at the Moment. There was a Player on that Server, who hat pretty much the best weapons aviable in that galaxy. The ship was between 5 Million and 15 Million Omicron depending on what weapon type he equipped...

i asked him how long he usually needs to take down the end boss of the game. The answer was „between 3 and 15 seconds“.

At the current state of the game there is nothing to do after the end boss unfortunately as Avorion has neither real PvP nor End game content. The Devs have stated that they want people to have something to do after the boss at some point in the future Tho.


To sum it up: the game is pretty unbalanced as you proceed further. Even just with the weapons you find or research, you will never have real trouble.

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I have found common turrets that are better than legendary turrets of the same type, size and material. But I haven't found turrets better than the best turret factories can make.


What I do to get components for turrets, is set some of my ships to patrol sector and go AFK for a few hours and let them kill all the pirates that enter the sector. Or turn off auto-pause while I'm building a ship so I can work on making ships that take many hours to design and my other ships can grind turrets while I'm doing that. I also set up a few salvaging ships and give them system upgrades that increase their looting range. (Note: You need to be in the sector for pirates to spawn) Then after I have a lot of crappy turrets I go to a research station to combine them until I have a lot of rare turrets. Low rarity turrets (poor and common) lack some of the components you need to build good turrets at a turret factory. Then I go to a salvage yard to scrap all my crappy turrets to get components out of them. When scrapping turrets it shows what components you could get out of them. It seems to give you random components from the list shown. But scrap enough turrets and you should be able to build some good turrets at a turret factory.


I really hate how all energy weapons you find or make now have 'Battery Charge'. I have a few turrets that have 'Consume Energy' that I found or made before the update and many of them are way better than the 'Battery Charge' ones. I really wish we could blue print turrets and make more like we can with fighters. because I have 2 of these really nice plasma turrets I made before an update reset all the turret factories and I would really like to have them as a standard weapon on a lot of my ships. :(

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Then after I have a lot of crappy turrets I go to a research station to combine them until I have a lot of rare turrets.


hey vis where can I find research station? like what sector can I find it?  (im up to green ore sector atm)


Welcome to the server! Research are often in a faction's "prime"/main sector, where their headquarters are. Sometimes you can find them in other populated sectors. Press F9 (strategic view) to see a list of stations in your sector, or use the map's search bar to search all known sectors for "research".

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