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Station Balance



The economic balance is extremely simple. The best economic setup is Accelerator Factory x { Server Max } w/ shipping to a trading post (ignore 50% of Supply & Demand penalty) with { Electron, Proton, Neutron } Accelerators. If you don't want to roll trading posts you can get Accelerator Factory + Mining Robot Factory + Body Armor and make ~200M/hr passively. Zinc Mine and War Robot Factory can get you to your first Accelerator Factory quickly. If the sector is simulated, you get instant trades with a cap for buying at around 150. However, the sector random trades give you an amount depending on the value of a trade dependent on distance from the core. At 150 distance, you can do base 23M trades with a cap around 120M.


The Turret Factory is completely broken especially for Tesla and Lightning  turrets. This is because the Turret Factory rolls a base turret and an increased rarity (+1 or same for Legendary) turret. The difference between these two rolls, for each applicable stat, is added using a formula to the base turret. This can make for some truly insane turrets. If your base turret has 2 attacks/second and your "better" has 0.01 attacks/second the damage difference will be insane and you'll end up with a turret doing 150k dps. Just keep building new Turret Factory stations. If you have the economic setup above, you can't even spend fast enough. You'll probably see the same turret 50x times because of how Turret Factory stations are seeded.


You can even use the game to simulate other sectors for a given Turret Factory's turrets and their maximum upgrade. If you have gates, just build framework on the station to reach the desired sector. Or if you have the gate mod, just build a gate to that position. POC:


2020-04-02 17-55-39| ####  TF 2 has Tesla Gun at 2, -4: dps: 109922.421875, reach: 698.87243652344, slots: 6, damageType: Electric, 
2020-04-02 17-55-39| ####  TF 2 has Tesla Gun at 2, -2: dps: 137131.28125, reach: 566.96496582031, slots: 2, damageType: Electric, 
2020-04-02 17-55-39| ####  TF 2 has Tesla Gun at 3, -4: dps: 150456.46875, reach: 475.88562011719, slots: 2, damageType: Electric, 
2020-04-02 17-55-39| ####  TF 2 has Tesla Gun at 3, 3: dps: 116391.4765625, reach: 889.91003417969, slots: 6, damageType: Electric, 
2020-04-02 17-55-39| ####  TF 2 has Tesla Gun at 3, 4: dps: 125078.734375, reach: 775.76470947266, slots: 6, damageType: Electric, 
2020-04-02 17-55-41| ####  TF 2 has Lightning Gun at 0, -1: dps: 155930.640625, reach: 2426.1711425781, slots: 4, damageType: Electric, 
2020-04-02 17-55-41| ####  TF 2 has Lightning Gun at 2, -4: dps: 112722.2890625, reach: 1627.4510498047, slots: 2, damageType: Electric, 


My suggestion to the devs: use a spreadsheet, have a well-defined vision for weapons and economy, and use C++'s <random> instead of rand.


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use C++'s <random> instead of rand.

I know based on comments in the randomext.lua file, it seems like they were attempting to make the random function 64 bit, and setup a system where it wouldn't return a different value every time (ie, feed in the same seed, get the same value back every time).  This allowed what a turret factory can produce to be consistent every time you visit it, sector regeneration to regen the same stuff each time, and what allowed them to reliably predict what would be generated in each sector for the economy and faction maps.  I'm sure there's a lot more that uses it, though.


I don't know enough about C++'s random to know if any of that is possible?

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