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FTL-style events



I was thinking about creating some way for more content in Avorion that can also be somewhat easily implemented by mostly using existing ressources. So I came up with "mini events" that are close to what you get in Faster Than Light. They would be mostly text-basd.

Here's how this could work:

1. Arrive in "event-sector"

You enter a sector that has some kind of "event-item" going on. These could be:

- Other (derelict) spaceships spacestations of even planets etc. Since it's all text based, it doesn't require animation etc., so it could be a nice way to allow a little more interaction with planets.

2. Start quest

You get a pop-up window that you scanners have picked up a signal up. Each kind of signal is tied to a pool of possible events, from which one gets chosen at random, if the player decides to investigate. All events have the same mechanics, but you can create a ton of "different events", just by adding different kinds of flavor texts. Being able to detect the signal could require that you have a scanner-module installed (So these modules get more use) or be generally available.

Ideas for possible signals and events:

- Signal:  Life Signs | Eventpool: hostile creatures; spacetravelers in cryo sleep; tribe of natives (on a planet);

- Signal: Energy Signature | Eventpool: malfunctioning generator; malfunctioning security system; planetary defense canon; rare ressources,

- Signal Distress Call | Eventpool: stranded spacetraveles; pirate trap,

- also, all signals have the chance for a "crash"-event.

3. Crew selection

You can "send" a part of your crew to investigate it. Requirements could be having a Hangar + Crew shuttle , or a transporter block + software or just don't have any requirement. For the "send crew" part, you might be able to reutilize the "transfer-crew"-menu. You can select up to 8 crew members to build a party for the mission.

4. Calculation of party skills

The kind of crew member you selected determins you parties skillset. There are 4 skills:

- Tech

- Combat

- Diplomacy

- Survival

Different kinds of crewmembers have different kinds of skills (I'm making up all these values on the fly, so balancing not guaranteed):

- Every Crewmember adds + 1 to all 4 skills (so there's a reason for bringing max ppl) but specialized crew memebrs give additional skills:

- Egineer: + 3 Tech

- Mechanic: + 2 Tech + 1 Combat

- Miner: + 2 Survival + 1 Tech

- Gunner: + 2 Combat + 1 Survival

- Boarder: + 3 Combat

- Security: + 2 Combat + 1 Diplomacy

- Sergant: + 2 Diplomacy + 1 Survival

- Lieutenant: + 3 Diplomacy

- Commander: + 4 Diplomacy

- General: + 5 Diplomacy

- Captain: +5 to all (high risk, high reward bc. you might lose him)

6. Skill Check

Each kind of event requires different skill levels for the party to pass, e.g.:

- hostile creatures require X combat to defeat

- natives require X diplomacy to negotiate with,

- the generator / planetary defense canon needs X tech to fix,

- the security system needs a combo of X tech and Y combat to shut down.

- the spacetravelers in cryo sleep need X tech, Y survival and Z diplomacy to rescue.

- in case of crash, you party needs X survival to survice until they are rescued / can free themselves.

- etc.

The dificulty of the skill check should be partially randomized, e.g. X = (15 + rand(0;10))

8. Result of the skill check

Each skill check has 3 possible results:

a) Pass -> you "win", get your crew back and receive an reward for the event. Depending on the event, proably a module, turret, ressources, wares - or since these might become a thing: specialized captain.

b) Critical Failure -> if your party loses skill-challenge by a large amount, your party simply dies and you lose.

c) Failure -> if you party loses the skill-challenge by an amount that doesn't reach critical failure, you can send a rescue party to rescue your guys. Since you now know the event, you can specialize your rescue party for that kind of event. (For extra efforts, the rescue event could also be different or with a higher skill check than the original event). You don't get any rewards (or worse than on Pass) but get all your crew members back. An alternative implementation option would be to EITHER send a rescue party (to get your 1. party back) OR send a second exploration party, meaning you lose your 1. crew but have 2nd chance to pass the check and get the reward. This could also be tied to a loss of crew morale (a feature that's pretty underutilized anyway).


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