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Surrender request call for combat

An Ning


Ever wondered why, when you're fighting someone COMPLETELY outmatched, they choose to fight to the death over something as insignificant as "because my pirate honor demands it", or "for the honor of my faction"?


Ever wondered why, in those rare instances where you find yourself surrounded by vehicles that are made from materials and boast weapons you can't even yet dream of in the playthrough, they decide that the only option is your complete destruction simply because, we be pirates?"


Why not give the players a chance to call for -or ask for- surrender in combat (Ctrl+shift+S, maybe, something impossible to push by accident), that causes all ships to stop firing momentarily and make an offer for their surrender, or for yours.


Imagine, the next time you are sacking a station, instead of blowing it to tiny bits in the mercy of he who granted the power of the Holy Hand Grenade, you stop when all their defenders are dead and the station is critically damaged, hit "ctrl+shift+S", and the station begs you to take money and materials in exchange for not shooting at you and you not killing them (which you don't HAVE to take, of course).


Imagine the next time you take a wormhole from the iron sector and end up in front of a pirate in the Trinium areas, that instead of being obliterated by a pirate (not a good way for a pirate to pirate, really), you hit ctrl+shift+S, and the pirate demands a % of your cargo and/or a flat sum of money in exchange for not destroying you.



These would be very nice options, in my opinion, and -especially if you are given the ability to haggle in the negotiations by sending counter-offers for more or less stuff- would make even admitting defeat more interesting -if not fun (if nothing else I can demand an insulting tribute in exchange for your puny lives... before you blast my ship into oblivion)

Edited by An Ning
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