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Expanded Auto-Captain zones and timers



I have just sent a Tier 2 Merchant or Smuggler (can't recall which at the moment) on an 8.5 hour $350,000,000 trade mission in a 15x15 box. There were a total of 19 systems in that box.

I'm not sure if 8.5 hours fits the bill for that entirely. 


It would be very beneficial if the 'procure' and 'sell' and 'trade' commands had options for "stick to friendly systems" option like mining/salvaging does.

It makes no sense for a trade ship to be anywhere except heavily defended systems, and with enough jump range (which my ships definitely have) they should never be in no-man's space, period.


I think that an option of "trade within faction borders" would be a significant improvement for procure, sell, and trade. 

As in, no matter where my ship is, I can tell it "go to faction X" and "stay within borders" and "procure all of my meats"

  • Granted, an escort would be required to *get* there, but that would be a separate travel command. 
  • Generate Procure/sell/trade command, precede with travel command
  • ship travels for x minutes with escort
  • ship is now in friendly territory and has no need for escort
  • escort now free to do other things, trade ship does its thing

And I think this is possible---as if you look at any faction, you already know how many ships and stations they have if you're allied---or you could at some point at least I thought? Maybe that's in creation/debug mode. Either way I know the information is there. X stations X ships X systems, all known variables. I would argue that selecting "safe mode" within the confines of a faction's territory, particularly with a large, tough, armed-to-the-gills freighter would be good enough to entirely ignore enemy contact. 

I see several ways this could be beneficial.

Added benefits:

"Procure me: X-amount Literally anything I can find in this AI's territory"

Lets say this AI's territory is 2000 sectors, but 100 systems. That would make an 8.5 hour bill make sense, even with a 30 jump range.

Would certainly make getting parts for a turret factory easier, for sure.

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