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scrapping ships


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The way you just mentioned works well, and all you have to do is change one thing. Before you delete all blocks, exit the ship in your mining drone and then press F on the ship you want to scrap.


Then you select the build option, and delete all. The ship will be deleted and youll still remain in your drone without going back home. xD

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Enter the drone ('T') and found a new ship. Add the basics you want to have and transfer crew/cargo over to the small foundation you've built. Then, from the new ship, select the old one and enter build mode from the interaction menu ('F'). Then you can disable safe mode and if you delete everything you should stay in the new ship. Then you can continue to build the new ship.


You could also just remove everything except for the root block. Your cargo will start to float around you but it doesn't matter, you will pick it up as soon as you have new cargo space and it can't be stolen. Then built up your new ship from the root block. But you should be quick as your crew needs crew quarters and power or they will leave.

If you are doing this you can also easily change the root block: Just add the block which you want to be your new root block, disable safe mode and delete the old root block. now, if you enable safe mode again the only block that should be left is the new root block.

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