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Everything posted by Turest

  1. oh ok. thank you. while that isnt so bad. it might be nice if say you just wanted to update the outer skin of your ship with a new resource. im pretty sure if i took a slice of my ship down the middle it would look like a rainbow swiss roll lol
  2. Is that in creative? I've only played survival so far and I cant find that button in the build menu. maybe its at a shipyard?
  3. holy crap xD the more you know. thank you! that at least fixes that problem :)
  4. Firstly let me say. I've been really enjoying Avorion. Its pretty much all ive played since I got it. but a few things to note: Icons - some of the location icons aren't super readable. for myself i thought I had found a fighter factory and it turns out it was a wood farm, maybe some colour variation in the markers inside the box would help? green for production - red for weapons / fighters, blue for resources. that kind of thing. Fighters - Feedback is the issue here. i cant see a fighters hp or what its doing without micromanaging them. firstly I think the box in the hanger screen should show the relative HP of the fighter - even in space. while you cant control them individually. it might stop some unnecessary losses. the other is that they need to have an idle state icon. so say you have 6 full wings of mining fighters. and one of them kills their rock. it could be as simple as their engage icon turns to the defend one. that way you know that squadron needs new orders without having to mess about in the tactical window. Construction - the progression system makes alot of sense. so this may be a personal issue. BUT. im the kind of player that likes to start with 1 ship and take it to the end, I upgrade as I go. adding new parts and replacing old ones as new materials are available. but it gets tedious after a few tiers of materials. would it be possible to have some kind of "replace" button in the construction options. so say I have a ship made out of Naonite but am mining Trinium it would have an option to replace all current Naonite blocks with Trinium at x amount. just a little quality of life thing rather than spending hours and hours replacing parts. Center of mass and mirroring - I may be wrong here but it seems that if you mirror X axis during construction the game bases the center line off the center mass of the ship. in my opinion this should always be a fixed point based on the original block. I quite like Asymmetry but often on a symmetrical hull segment (thats hard to explain lol) and the shifting position of the X axis for mirror makes that kinda difficult. Anyway. thanks for looking over this. hope it helps
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