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Everything posted by jamesdread

  1. Dude Avorion is one of the fastest loading games I have played. It takes less than 30 sec. Not even a minute to load the game AND load my offline game up.
  2. Help Needed - How to ban a player with special characters? I have a player that needs to be banned badly. I have never had to do that before. The player in question has a bunch of squares and stuff before and after name so i cant seem to ban him. Also does the server have to be a whitelisted server to ban someone? Any help would be great. I have a troll that has made several people upset on my server....
  3. Space Truckers PvE Server - .25 Collision, Difficulty Normal No Mods. Server has been up for about 2 weeks. We have had 11 on. Today there is 9 players on. Seems to always be at least 3-5 people on all the time. Discord info is in the server description. Great server for newer players or players who like a chill but active server. Helpful community! -JamesDread-
  4. First of all I have to say the Devs here have made one hell of a game already! Freakin' Genius. I have been looking for a space game like this for awhile. All the other space games out there do not have the long game play like this one has. So much to do! This is the best game I have played in years. Here are just a few things I am missing compared to the great old game called freelancer. (Sorry if some of these have already been talked about.) 1. Going into hyperspace. In freelancer when you went into hyperspace you traveled through a "warp" tunnel and it took some time to travel depending on how far you were going. (Gave the game a chill feel to it like you were really out there trading and traveling around.) This small amount of travel time gave the game a great feel somehow. I do like the kinda pause game effect you get each time you "warp" somewhere though. 2. Cockpits. Love to have a cockpit view, but also maybe have some different cockpits that were buyable or lootable? Could have stats on them but even if they didn't would be cool to try to get our favorite looking cockpit! Maybe even some rare cockpits with stat bonuses. Got this idea from crossout. 3. Any interaction with the planets. 4. Add a bunch of textures for your ship that are lootable. Love the colors too keep those also :)
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