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Everything posted by KRAKENT

  1. Добрый день. Разнообразить геймплей постройки? Вот летаю я на своем супер излюбленным корабле, и мне кажется там слишком мало деталей что крутятся. Вот пока писал это, прокручивал пару идей у себя в голове и от этого интерес еще больше разгорелся.. Будет у вас в планах что то на подобии блока который крутится? Или вы закончили уже с контентом? (картинка для примера) (Good afternoon. Diversify the gameplay of the building? Here I fly on your super favorite ship, and I think there are too few parts to run. Here while writing it, replayed a few ideas in my head and this interest even more inflamed.. Will you have plans for something like a block that spins? Or have you finished with the content?(picture for example))
  2. Hi. Don't know planned or is it an error. After sohranennyh cherchian I copy a pre-cooked item and insert into project (picture 1) when you press Alt and the next step press on the panel of construction equipment and then press paste (Ctrl+v) is obtained. I can twist it in any direction that is highlighted in red does not disappear. It's convenient sometimes to see how it will look. However, if it were possible to edit this red zone it would be cool. PS cost probably shoot a video for clarity, but I was building for six hours, please forgive me. ;D (https://ibb.co/f4BgoU)
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