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Everything posted by Lannik

  1. It also appears to make almost every faction hateful to you
  2. Just to get the thruster design down. They work better if they're arrayed something like a heat sink. Like so l_l_l_l. or hollow boxes of small plates? When I get off work I may download the EOS and pop the hood.
  3. At the moment that is how this game plays. Blitz to Trinium, ogonite build solid ship. Then breach core and build avorion to become a God. I imagine they will eventually add incintives or balances to make other tiers worth the time
  4. I believe it is because very few people know the answers and a great majority are trying to learn. The game is very new and most of us are learning as we go. I'd say go ahead and build it and share your findings.
  5. For starters far far too common. What makes it worse is that is causes systems to degrade and become useless, generally ones you actually like being in. Integrate one of these options: AI cannot damage stations. Stations take only limited damage and slowly repair after x time out of combat. A block or capture timer that allow a faction to assume ownership. Force all faction Warfare into battlefield specific sectors. AI salvage teams to clear out massive clutter. Raids, Aliens, Pirates happen so often it makes mining, salvaging and especially building very annoying due to the constant interuptions. Allow safe location for build mode such as at a shipyard.
  6. AFK mining... It would have to be smaller than a sector. Perhaps 2x2x2 cubed grid of a sector.
  7. Since avorion is the game's namesake it should have some unique and defining feature like block regeneration when damaged. A self healing ship if albeit slowly would definitely add value to offset nerfing it down to allow a competitive diversity of building materials. Right now it has the best stats in all categories save weight and armor plating which seems overkill.
  8. Thanks! I cannot claim full credit as my concept isn't truly original as I did steal a bit from Eve Online with their factional check and balances and applied it to materials. I do feel that only ogonite and avorion currently have late game value and anyone who rushes to those lose the ability to be challenged by the remaining 90% of the game and hurting replayability and diversity.
  9. Indeed it is still light but my thought process is to expand on that by giving every material strengths and weaknesses so that no material is the be all end all option and makes all end game viable and encourage the mixed uses of many at once to keep value for low tier materials if not necessity.
  10. Comment on my posted suggestion that relate to this thread and help form the idea.
  11. Any turret with the independent trait have a 360 degree attack radius but need to be allowed independent.
  12. Right now I feel the games materials are poorly balanced. This is not intended as negative criticism but how I feel about the various building materials and the way they encourage you to play. The way the tiers are set each material is significantly better than the previous tier which leads to no practical reasons to stay in low tier regions but rather mine only the bare minimum and blitz to ogonite regions and prepare to acquire avorion. As it sits nothing beats avorion components with ogonite armor. I feel each material should have its own advantages over the others in a more balanced and overlapping manner. Furthermore a faction that say uses titanium would have the lightest ships therein be the most agile but lack durability but make great glass cannon harassment fighters or bombers while iron would likewise have stengths and weaknesses over say ogonite by making iron more durable HP wise but be much heavier with different resistances. Give xanion great shields, trinium best jump drives and cargo, naonite best engines ECT while each material is weak to various damage types in a Eve-ish checks and balances. This would also make each material combination useful late game to mix and match rather that lat tier beats all. Having materials randomly placed around the galaxy rather than highest tier near center an lowest at rim so that the interplay is more exciting and forces you to look for your desired material and makes oddball matchups with warring faction more interesting. Factions that use each different material region or combination of materials affect their style of play so that iron/xanion tend to be defensive armor/shield tanks with low firepower while titanium/trinium tend to prefer trading and diplomacy with better relations with neighbors but have fast agile ships that can respond to invasion more quickly than other combinations.
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