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Everything posted by Sciira

  1. Late response is late: We tried the beta patch, but were still getting lag issues- It's improved greatly since the first post was made but it's apparently still pretty unplayable Honestly given the amount by which the OP usually lags in other games- it's probably safe to say that at this point it's now just his connection being unable to handle the way the game handles large numbers of loaded systems and save files. Amishland internet tends to not be the best. Thanks for the help though~
  2. To update: we've since tried on a brand new fresh save: the packet-loss issue actually stopped but he's still getting immensely long load times- so much so that we're not certain he'd ever actually make it into the game. So, slight improvement but still not exactly working :/
  3. Host friend here: We've tried running my hosting with Steam authentication both enabled and disabled with the same issue rearing it's ugly head regardless. The network I'm hosting from has some fairly heavy security to it but I can't imagine why that would cause any issues for one specific user, especially given that more than 3 other players have connected without the same problem. I'm not familiar enough with networking to actually give details as to what security measures are in place however. :-\
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