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Everything posted by fordhamflash

  1. I was looking at this some more. Not that I know anything about this stuff, but I did see the error in the clientlog file. In this case, it says "could not execute function 'TurretModdingUI_OnClickedBtnBaseEnergy' in '"mods/DccTurretEditor/Interfact/TurretModding.lua"' and then something about property not found or readable: InventoryTurret.updateStaticStats. Any ideas? clientlog_2019-04-11_15-55-15.txt
  2. I can't seem to get this to work. In reviewing my client log there seems to be some type of error concerning "no file" called "shipbuilding.lua." I've attached the log. Any ideas? Thanks! clientlog_2019-04-11_15-55-15.txt
  3. Great mod! Thanks so much. Perfect for those of us who just want to kick as @$$ and take some names!!!
  4. I had the exact same error message and the same problem you had.
  5. I cannot get this to work either. Although, I am a bit confused regarding the instructions. I read that I should delete "Avorion" where it appears within the 2 lines added to server.lua. Then I read that the autodock folder should not be copied into mods, but rather what sounds like its own subdirectory in the Avorion folder. Although the post refers to the director name as AutoDock.v1.2.1/data whereas the folder is actually just named AutoDock so I'm not sure if I need to change the folder name to AutoDockv1.2.1 or not. Amazingly complex instructions. Too bad. I built a behemoth and this mod looks fantastic. I am also unsure if I need to modify ShipScriptLoader.lua or not? One post says that modifying the installation is no longer necessary but every other post talks about modifying the file.
  6. Indeed. There used to be a problem with ShipScriptLoader -- at least, that was my experience --, but it seems to have been resolved at this time. With a clean installation of the current 0.20.2 Beta Branch (uninstall Avorion > Install Avorion > Patch to Beta 0.20.2), the installation instructions now no longer require you to modify your ShipScriptLoader installation. See the first post in this thread for more information on how to install AutoDock v1.1. I don't think you're running into a conflict. Rather, follow the updated installation instructions as I detailed in my answer to the previous question. I'm sorry to hear that! I will update the installation instructions to make it more clear. See the first post in this thread for details. Oh, indeed. And the bigger the ship, the better this works, I have found. But big and small ships alike, it feels amazingly fun to fly at a docking beacon at 2 km/s and dock no problem. If you've tried bigger ships, you should notice the docking beacon sticks further out from the dock than with smaller ships, making the approach to the beacon (and thus, the station) safe for both. I've tested on the current 0.20.2 Beta Branch and it's working without a hitch. Please tell me if you run into any further problems. Most likely it's the ShipScriptLoader instructions that have now been updated. See the first post (same answer as to the previous two questions regarding failure of installation). ------ If you run into any problems running this on 0.20.2 Beta Branch, please let me know -- I'll try and respond quicker this time. I cannot get this to work either. Although, I am a bit confused regarding the instructions. I read that I should delete "Avorion" where it appears within the 2 lines added to server.lua. Then I read that the autodock folder should not be copied into mods, but rather what sounds like its own subdirectory in the Avorion folder. Although the post refers to the director name as AutoDock.v1.2.1/data whereas the folder is actually just named AutoDock so I'm not sure if I need to change the folder name to AutoDockv1.2.1 or not. Amazingly complex instructions. Too bad. I built a behemoth and this mod looks fantastic.
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