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Everything posted by AstroOwl

  1. In fact, whole "turn around to brake" thing hardly goes together with game where you have to avoid dense asteroid fields where asteroids are dozens of meters apart, catch upgrades flying out of enemy ships by flying over them, etc. This is not a Kerbal Space Program, and it won't be. I am somewhat worried about statements in initial post... I like the idea of game where large battleships are sluggish , battleships shouldn't be too nimble. Situation with stacking thrusters until your multi-megaton-ship turns on a dime was terrible. But the game about space battleships, in my opinion, isn't the game where you need to do a 180 turn to slow down. If we go full realism, there would be no Space Battleships. There should be some compromise anyway. Like "turning, especially big ships, is hard, but you can still brake at reasonable pace without turning around". I probably should do a longer post with thoughts on it. Once i think about all this a little more. And yes, changes in this patch are great, finally no more thruster-stacking BS. Now the shape of thruster is just a way to distribute its power. And i would certainly distribute most of the power in braking, not turning.
  2. Exactly. So there should be a way to leave artifacts close to the corresponding asteroids, so that they would remain enabled, even if you fly away in the ship you are in. There is such a way.
  3. In "Beta Patch Notes" section: http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,1756.0.html
  4. My best guess would be block that gives you turret slots, with diminishing returns (like Hyperspace Core do). I really doubt something would fundamentally change about how turrets work in general, to be honest - system is already there. Speaking about consistency, turret factories do that quite okay, as for me, problem is currently lack of out-of-sector production (though there is a mod workaround for that) and absence of some elementary resources productions both harden getting crafting materials at the same corner of space once you buy out existing stock (though you still can find enough materials for making 20-50 Exceptional turrets).
  5. Good day, everyone =) Thing that interests me is changing whether certain resource is optional for production (for example, Energy cells are optional for wheat production. Can i make them obligatory? Can i make Coal an optional resource for Steel production)? I found information about required resources, their optionality, consume-per-cycle and output-per-cycle in productionsindex.lua in game files: However, changing values (say, optional=0 to optional=1, or amount=1 to amount=3) seem to have no effect whatsoever on the game. How do i change anything? I'm probably missing something very basic: i don't have experience with modding. I suppose i can't just change something in productionsindex and expect changes ingame? What should i do? Should i change/renew/recompile something? Maybe changes will only apply to new factories? Would appreciate your help.
  6. In no way. Solution is to abandon the quest and take it again, until the coordinates would be outside the ring. Happened to me, too, 4th or 5th attempt yielded coordinates just outside the ring.
  7. Money is not an issue: there is enough "ready" trade routes in universe to get very rich, even with finite primary resources. Trying to supply with resources a factory producing so-much-desired for turret crafting Warheads/HiCapLens/HighPressureTubes is an issue, however :) Also, it becomes especially frustrating if you are trying to make your own production chains only to find them dead right from the start, since nobody have access to primary resources production.
  8. This has nothing to do with sector freezing, i am talking about a bit different thing. If you stay in sector for it to be loaded: factories will produce new goods, but trade posts will not, even without that freezing. If you saw a coal production factory.. please share how it was named, because right now every source i check, including player constructed factories, there is nothing producing coal in existence. Apart from tradeposts, which just have some finite stock of it sometimes. UPD. Checked game files (productionsindex.lua): nothing i see there can produce coal. Maybe you saw a lucky trading post?
  9. Not exactly the same problem: sector activity won't make any coal or diamonds to appear, but.. yeah, i should just be patient and wait for updates. Coal/Diamonds/Oil are probably coming with some sort of planet interaction. Well, yeah, hard to make full supply chain currently. Especially since, say, food needs wheat and meat and corn and vegetables. No corn -> no food, wheat+vegetables? no, that's not a "food" yet. Vegetables can't be replaced with potatoes, etc, etc. Probably that should be somewhat simplified, so that you don't need to travel 1/4 radius of a galaxy just to get "food" but... stepping back is generally a bad idea. I just need to be patient, once again :)
  10. I'm very sorry for probably being impolite, but... Why it is called "jump cruiser", if its jump capabilities are achieved just by system upgrades? In that case we can call any ship with enough upgrade slots a "jump ship" - just place enough upgrades and it would have 0 cooldown and big range. Install a lot of upgrades on a heavy freighter - and voila, it have range of 50+ and 0 sec cooldown. Don't get me wrong: i totally approve of idea of travel-dedicated ship, but currently, there is nothing dedicated to that goal in the ship itself. Maybe redo this in Naonite+ materials, where the Hyperspace Cores appear? That way you can really make a dedicated-to-travel ship.
  11. If they are using "trade routes" same way as i do, i don't see how waiting for NPC traders to do anything would help, to be honest. If Trading Post sells coal, it don't buy it. Once all Coal is sold, where would Trade Post get more, if traders obey same rules as player do? NPC traders won't sell Coal to it, because trade post won't buy it. That's the problem.
  12. But trade posts sell and buy different things. You mean that NPC traders can "sell" to tradepost some things that tradepost wants to sell himself?
  13. Basically, what the title says. I tried to sell something to trading post, relog, fly in and out of sector, fly out of sector, wait for >10 min, logout, login and come back again, but it don't replenish any goods for sale. Does that mean that Trading posts are "static", and would never again supply me with something i once bought from them? That might be a major problem, since, well, things like Coal, Gems, Diamonds, Raw Oil can only be bought at Trading posts currently (unless i'm missing something), and they are very important. If tradeposts are indeed static, all the production in galaxy would eventually stop completely: things won't work without Coal (cause Steel), for example. Am i missing something? I really hope so, to be honest. Is there any way to make Trading Post replenish its stock?
  14. This is better used as "use force turrets to propel asteroid towards desired target at big speed" UPD. and if you don't have an asteroid nearby, build one =)
  15. Already replied about collision damage, for difficulty it's the same, but allowed values are: -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 only. Note the typo: Difficulity=-1 Even mentioned on wiki ;D
  16. You can do this. Check .../AppData/Roaming/Avorion/Galaxies/*Galaxyname*/Server.ini open it, with Notepad++, for example. Change CollisionDamage to any value between 0 and 1 and save. Below is an example with 0.1 (when game started, it rewrote it to 0.100000001 for some reason, but it definitely worked). Backuping the galaxy might be a good idea of course - no matter what you change. Just in case. Don't think something might go terribly wrong here, though.
  17. Trading posts sell and buy random products, so yeah, as already answered, they are right now your source of coal, since yes, some of the first-of-the-chain items don't have corresponding producing facilities yet (i hope that is not intentional, because... well, how tf do Trading posts get coal if nobody in the universe produces it :D) UPD. I think i have an idea, i mean, i realized why nothing produces them. Look: - Coal formed as a result of "carbonization" of dead vegetation deep below planet's surface. That means this is a thing to be found on planets. - Same with oil: microscopic plants and animals, pressurized and heated beneath the planet's surface. You get the trend - Diamons: same thing, they form under big pressure beneath planet's surface... i think you got me. Probably Coal, Gems, Diamonds and Oil are not produced now because they are supposed to be recieved via interaction with planets. And right now, before any such kind of interaction is implemented, trade posts sell them, because, well, they interact with planets somwhere offscreen :D
  18. Not much, just fly around and hire. Ceep an eye on Commanders and Generals, though: they can't be appointed, only hired (i mean, they can only be professionals, you need to find them and can't replace them with "common" crewman)
  19. There is a way to do so, thanks to Aki. Look for this thread: http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,830.0.html He made a console command to show the price of the ship, even in creative. I use it myself to design ships in Creative and know how many minerals in non-creative i would need.
  20. What i can do is to replace all Xanion in it with Avorion, to increase shields, jump range, etc., and give it the possibility to place Avorion turrets. I'll not convert Trinium blocks, because, first, Avorion crew quarters, thrusters, etc are worse than Trinium (because mass), also, Avorion don't have armor. Seem like Tri+Avo version actually looks better than Tri+Xan =) Stats screen and overall view: xml for Avorion version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9cg6bkw755rvypn/Alligator%20%28Avorion%29.xml?dl=0 As for creating Alligator-style ship initially balanced for endgame - well.. that would be once i reach said endgame. I'm still before the Barrier =)
  21. Sorry for a late reply, and thanks for the compliments, guys :) My fault, should have done it right away. Xml file is too big for the forum limitations, so let me know it his variant works ,please: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kct7o1eyjm5vbar/Alligator.xml?dl=0 Thrusters are in thin slices inside the ship. Most of the rear-facing ones are right at the center, close to the hangar. That "slices" (or "layers"?) are the best way right now, but hopefully that's going to be changed soon. Also, here's the little video of using it in combat for pirate sector sweep:https://youtu.be/byKMFMT94zQ I'm going to add a new ship soon: modular cargo hauler. Doubt it would better, but there is one idea i tried with it, now need to work on the details =)
  22. New: Albatross - class heavy cargo hauler When you want to trade, supply your bases and don't want to think about cargo storage (unless you go completely insane), the Albatross is the answer for you. Over 35 000 cargo storage and reasonable price allows it to be used before you get to that "insane endgame" point and get into high-volume trading. Production cost: 5'450'921 credits 375'153 Trinium 173'913 Avorion 2'150 Ogonite xml: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1itgp32eonwwy44/Albatross.xml?dl=0 Further details under spoiler: "Alligator" - class light attack cruiser Medium combat ship used for midgame combat activity. Details under spoiler:
  23. Downloaded Hammerhead xml without issues. I like the general layout of the ship. And that glass tube thing is amazing. I was like "wait, that is round? How did he... aaahh, i see. oh god." That grates at the side are nice, too. Dunno about green color, though. But that's very minor thing, nice ship! I also really like that the ship actually makes sense from gameplay perspective (it is not idiotically slow or non-turning, like some creations are), though that exposed crew quarters worry me, since... well, Titanium => no shields.
  24. Request: command for showing price (money and minerals) of currently boarded ship. Would be useful for those who like to plan ships in creative mode. Thanks for your work, very helpful commands =)
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