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  1. How does one do that? I thought I had set everything? Do you do it from the galaxy map screen much like you would command a fleet? or do you have to be in the station? Thanks for the help btw.
  2. Hey there. I have roughly 500 hours in on Avorion and had yet to start station building. Until today that is... after a bit of scouring of extremely limited resources regarding the topic (everyone just says how amazingly profitable their stations are) I am now really frustrated and confused as to why my trading post is not attracting traders at all. Is there anyone who can give me a run down on what I need to do to get it to FINALLY attract some income? This is starting to get really annoying and I want to get to the next part of my game, and i am currently regretting using my 25 mil on a trading post. Thanks in advance!
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