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Everything posted by FuryoftheStars

  1. Does the mouse work in the main menu before starting a galaxy? If yes, can you try changing your graphics to Windowed mode, exit and restart the game, and see if that makes a difference? I'm just playing on some (very) wild theories here. I noticed some other people with issues with the game when in fullscreen (and maybe boardless?) modes, though their issues were not identical, but each of them seemed to work fine in Windowed mode. At least two so far I think traced back to Windows (the OS) display scaling, but not sure if that could cause yours, too. Because theirs were not the same but still effected by the same thing, I figure it's worth a try with you, too? https://steamcommunity.com/app/445220/discussions/3/1749024748626836612/ https://steamcommunity.com/app/445220/discussions/3/1749024925638282347/
  2. Ok, I'll give the darkening of it a try and see if anyone complains. :P
  3. So hitting F2 to go into keyboard steering mode or holding shift to "unlock" the mouse it won't move from center screen? What happens if you select a station or other ship and interact with it, or hit "P" or "I" to open the player and ship windows? Or even the map or strategic views? I see a lot of these in your client log: Client UDP: Error receiving from, error: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it, received bytes: 0 Which I don't see in my own client logs, so not sure if it's related. I also see you have several out of date mods that are running. No idea if any could cause the issue, but try disabling just in case?
  4. I haven't fully played through the quests, yet, so I'm kind of speaking out of my butt on this, but (for the AI) I seem to recall someone saying that if you attempt to interact with it while having an artifact equipped, it will see you as Xsotan and attack.
  5. I've noticed others report this, too, but don't know if it was a purposeful change or not.
  6. They only made the 1.0 announcement over on the Steam forums for some reason, but no patch notes in the actual post. You have to start (and update) the game and look at the patch notes through there. There wasn’t much.
  7. So, even though they didn't post the release notes on the 1.0 release announcement, apparently there were some in game when you started it up. One of them was this: "- Fixed some issues with background nebula generation" Not sure if it would help with this issue or not.
  8. Ahh, so it's related to projectile velocity, then? Good to know. I had reported this earlier, but didn't know the distance would change based on projectile speed. https://steamcommunity.com/app/445220/discussions/1/1743393117802374500/
  9. Been looking at this a bit and I think the best my limited, non-artistic brain can do is darken the whole thing a little bit. Think that will work? Only problem with making them all use ogonite hull is that then you still wouldn't be able to differentiate ogonite hull from armor (or in this case, any armor :P ) Edit: Here's a comparison pic. I dropped the brightness to be the same as the dark portions of the old camo armor. Is it too much? (Is there a way to attach a picture file and then "inline" it so i don't have to upload to an external site and then link back?)
  10. Yeah, I gotta chime in with the others on this. Basically what you’re asking for is that the devs keep multiple versions of the game installed on your computer / dynamically download and install the version to match the server you’re playing on. That’s an unreasonable expectation and adds serious overhead to their development (when they have a what, 7 person team?). The automatic/forced updates thing is Steam’s doing, anyway. Devs have no control over that far as I’m aware.
  11. Only way I can think of would be to purposely give them lower tier mining lasers, but this merely makes it so they can’t mine anything that’s beyond +1 of the mining laser. Limiting a higher end miner from mining lower tier stuff wouldn’t work this way, unfortunately.
  12. Moderators, feel free to delete this.
  13. “Increased damage of lightning turrets” You mean these weren’t already powerful enough? :o One of your loading screen tips is about their low accuracy offsetting their damage, but in reality they have pretty good accuracy. If you’re gonna increase their damage further, can you lower their accuracy some? Man small ships are so screwed.... Everything else looks great, though! lol’d at the added a bug for us to find. :D
  14. Again, though, processing power can be artificially inflated with computer cores. I do this myself on ship designs that are only a “little” off from the next slot up. I’d hate for my ship to have speed and maneuverability nerfs to it simply cause I put in computer cores to make the next slot.
  15. I can certainly give that a try. I’m not an artist by any stretch of the imagination, but I can certainly do things like altering the hue of the whole thing. I’ll give a few a try and see what looks good.
  16. Well, armor should decrease your stealth factor, anyway. Makes more noise.... ;D
  17. I'd say ideally you'd want the multiplier to be based on mass, not slots (Computer cores can artificially change this, plus going by mass can create a smoother curve).
  18. This is why people have been asking for the tooltips to display dps/slot and then to be able to sort on that value.
  19. Problem with it going by block count is that they could be huge blocks.... I'd rather have the behavior where they all get salvaged, or if their material value is low enough not to yield anything anyway, then they immediately despawn. I have to say, though, unless they've changed something in the past couple weeks or so of updates, auto targeting lasers on my ships have always still gone after even the tiny pieces. It's only fighters and AI controlled ships that I've seen ignore them. (Oh, and they always ignore my own wrecks, even large pieces/whole ships.)
  20. I wouldn’t say remove, but more so mark it as NaB (Not a Bug).
  21. Yeah, they'll stay attached, but only up to how ever many slots worth you have will actually work. You probably don't want them to be removed if you drop below the threshold, anyway, as there are things that can cause you to temporarily drop below the needed number (swapping upgrades, taking damage and losing enough blocks to drop your processing power enough to lose an upgrade slot with a TCS module in it, and similarly when redesigning your ship in build mode).
  22. I use a mod called Debug Menu for that. It actually uses the same screen as the entitydbg and keeps it there permanently. And appears to work with any version because of that.
  23. I thought I saw a similar thread over in the Steam forums where the person figured out that there was a setting in their nVidia control panel that was set for quality over performance. After reverting that setting, they said it was doing better. But overall, it's most likely (like, 90-95% chance) going to be something video related where your graphics settings are too high, drivers need updating, or something of that nature.
  24. My guess is they want items you don’t need to not be displayed at all? I haven’t looked at this new shopping list thing yet.
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