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  1. your latest sequence seems to correspond with what I have uncovered. However, there is a thing that I have uncovered yesterday that might be of interest to you. Watch out with rotating, as for instance, you have a block that is not equal distance. a corner piece that is 2 long 1 wide and 1 high. Don't rotate the outer point around its own centre, but rather shift them around. Otherwise, you are reshaping that block.
  2. For what are you trying to make a database?
  3. This weekend I have been working on a little project to create 3D Models out of the Ship XML. So far I have been success on generating the corner pieces and cube. As can been seen in the Angle test set.png. If you want to contribute or fork the project, the repo is https://github.com/peacefighter1996/AvorionXMLToOBJ If you want to try it yourself. Build the project, and activate it in CMD with the input file of the XML and output file. Or run the following line in your build directory to use the test example: AvorionXMLToOBJ.exe .\TestDocuments\angle1.xml .\TestDocuments\testResult.obj Works only with block index 1 (Hull) 8 (Armored hull) and 100 (Corner)
  4. I have been busy with an Avorion XML to Object converter (For those who want to print there creations in real life). currently I have only got this working for corner blocks and standard cubes. What Look and Up has to do with the face direction of the property of the object. see faces.PNG. So For example <block lx="1" ly="-0.5" lz="-0.5" ux="2" uy="0.5" uz="0.5" index="100" material="3" look="3" up="5" color="ffff0000"/> index 100 = corner piece Look 3 means that the look direction is towards face 3 Up 5 means that the up direction is towards face 5 combinations 3-2 5-4 1-0 are in possible as these are on opposite directions. Color I think refers back to the in game colors. (not really important to me for now) What the exact up-direction and look directions are IDK yet as I have started working on this project only yesterday. keep you up to date If I find anything.
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