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  1. we will try that. and by the way great community, thank you for the effort.
  2. the server hardware: CPU: Intel® Core i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz 8 Cores RAM: 62GB name: Avorion@United-Gameserver.de
  3. i can't tell you anything about the hardware. it's a server from "professional gameserver", has 10 slots and costs 15€ per month. but we had the same problem with a server from gameserver.4player, 4 slot, 4€ per month (german provider) and also with a server that a friend has at home, he runs some teamspeak server, 1 ark server and a website on it without any problems. the problem keeps occuring so i think it's the game somehow and not all these different servers. server_ini.txt
  4. angrycustomer


    Hello, me and my friends rented 2 servers so far but when we play the "server" (it's the game not the server) just hangs/freezes. the problem occures like every 5 minutes and we have to restart the server (again it's not the server but the game) and then we have a rollback of like 1-5 minutes. unplayable right now, i saw this is a bug that is around since 2017 and yet not fixed. any clues what to do or is this game just so bugged that you can't play multiplayer.
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