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  1. **Update So since yesterday i've been scouting and testing existing mods out to fix this problem and it seems mostly resolved for now except for when i start loading the game (takes a bit for everything to load up), but when loaded it seems mostly ok now some minor lag but nothing serious. I'd imagine as I get bigger it'll become a issue more but I won't know till than. Mods I installed since last post, not sure which resolved the problem: All Production Chains - by LaserZwei Goods Hauler - by Splutty and unbekannt1984 Useful Cargoshuttles - by theCrow
  2. I applied this MOD but did not see any in game changes not that i could notice anyways. Just FYI not sure if this is working or not i could have done smething silly but at lease i didn't break anything. i always rename the files to .old at the end of them so i can restore them at any point.
  3. Hi guy so I've notice that now that im starting to build stations and run trade routes things have gotten extremely laggy and i can't figure it out. I know it's not my computer since this is a VR gaming station, processor never goes over 35% max and the videocard i have not seen go over 25%. (win 10; 16GB RAM, 64 bit motherboard, GXT 1080 Ti graphics card) **I also have tried settings all the graphics and stuff as low as i could but it has not resolved the problem. I think that the problem may stem from me being spread all over the galaxy with multiple things running all the time I have stations loaded down with fighter cargo controled via AI and on top of that i have created small 25k cargo haulers to speed up production between the stations. I am not a coder but i have started looking at the files in the game trying to look at if theres anything i can change or cut down that would get rid of or at lease reduce the lag i have been getting. Here is what my game looks like so far: System file: 1.25GB 1 Flag Ship 6 Large Cargo/Miners that are constantly scouting new areas/mining them 7 Small cargo ships (25k) use for transporting items between stations ie water, corn, wheat, cattle, ect, ect 17 XXL stations 3 Mines ~200 Fighter Cargo automated via AI; each stations/mine has roughly about 10 I am open to suggestions that would help, i like the game so far but this lag issue really just started yesterday and has been a major pain, maybe there is some sort of way i can eliminate all the fighter cargo's in exchange for a method in which i can use my small cargo ships to constantly buy/sell. I am willing to play around with things and attempt to figure out if theres something i can do myself as far as tweaking the files but since i am not good at that sort of stuff any suggestions would be very helpful.
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