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Everything posted by spaceiscool

  1. Thanks for the info, you couldn't answer this question: "when I rebuild my ship, my health doesn't automatically restore to full?" so let me try and clarify. If I have 100 HP and then take damage, so now I have 80 HP and destroyed blocks, then repair my ship, the game restores my blocks but my HP remains the same/it doesn't get restored (80 and being repaired by mechanics) how come? Thanks again for your answers the boosting thing was really confusing me.
  2. So currently I am playing the Demo of Avorion, and will probably buy the game soon but there are some questions I have about the game that don't seem to be asked or answered throughout the forums. So there are 4 bars at the bottom of the screen, and from bottom to top I have deduced that they're : Health, Shields, stored energy, and energy being spent. My primary question is, how come when I build my ship and I produce .5 GW of energy and I spend .16GW of energy, that when I boost with the ship my energy consumption skyrockets? Is there any way to calculate this or counteract this aggressive expenditure of energy? How does the health system work? for example if my core block was completely exposed would it take just a few shots to kill my ship? And how come when I rebuild my ship, my health doesn't automatically restore to full? Is this just a gameplay element to make Mechanics more worthwhile? Thanks for all the help and my bad if I missed this information somewhere.
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