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Everything posted by Zardoz

  1. Yes, like it says in the title, my suggestion is for unique hull blocks for the Xsotan. Who knows, maybe something vaguely Organic? Yeah! That would be great. From the Wiki: "The Xsotan are not believed to come from the galaxy the game takes place in. They consume matter from the inside out, and they ignore anything that does not have a strong energy signature, which is why they only attack when a turret of any kind is fired. When the Xsotan are consuming something, they will turn it into "breeders". The breeders bear a shocking resemblance to some of the Xsotan ships, which can mean that the Xsotan do not build their ships, they grow them. Other than this, everything about the Xsotan is unknown; Origin, purpose, etc.. "
  2. Swoks' name should be a random generator of Swokish sounds. Swwoks, Squaks, Spoks, I don't know. This might be important. I mean, it is.
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