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Everything posted by drew4452862

  1. Forgot the repair turret was still in there lol. I took it out... the summon command is more for setting up your own custom scenarios. I reduced the damage on some of the early missions. Thanks for checking out the mod!
  2. Added in loot, 2 upgrades 2 turrets based on distance from the center. Added in 9 missions to the military outpost (distance based). Fixed some things. Message \ reward work correctly now. also included the plans file so you can just install this and test it out. not sure how that works with workshop ships but there it is.
  3. Military outposts will generate missions based on the distance from the center.
  4. I am a bit stuck between setting up the mod automatically and having people hate how over or under powered it is. Also I might mention that this is not geared toward single player, looking to give a tool to mods. That being said, I put in missions that will spawn in for the player forever, if they type in a command one time. I am also going to make that based on their distance from the center (will get to that today). Might test out events today too. like a better, more challenging way to pirate goods
  5. You're right! I am horrible at writing and worse at explaining myself. I will try to update something a little more mission based. Some kind of description lol.
  6. 250 views and 1 download.... like wtf? Spawning in workshop ships and creating new missions \ bosses would give this game a ton of depth. Not to mention players could contribute something to their server. I want to keep going with this mod but the apathy is intense. Any ideas what's up?
  7. added in /summon remove command also fixed some stuff and added a check to make sure strings weren't going in there for numbers
  8. Added in missions that use custom ships. Can be found in military outposts after doing the command (in readme)
  9. Added since the first release: custom bosses can be created in game, boss timer, better messages (doesn't affect player chat)
  10. drew4452862


    But now when you type 'timer' into the search field you get an example of the timer script and this picture of sasha grey
  11. drew4452862


    This script only creates a time. So until you attach something to it... the Holy Ghost?
  12. drew4452862


    local timer = Timer() local pastTime = 0 function initialize() timer:start() tellPlayers("starting timer") while timer.seconds < 10 do local currentTime = timer.seconds if currentTime > pastTime then tellPlayers(timer.seconds) end pastTime = timer.seconds end end function tellPlayers (message) local players = {Sector():getPlayers()} for _, player in pairs(players) do player:sendChatMessage("Server", 0, message) end end
  13. # Avorion Workshop Ship Spawner ## Contribution ### What does this mod do? This mod allows players to type in a command to add missions to the military outposts. This adds difficult bosses that multiple people can fight. Sectors can also be edited to create a missions area. Just by entering the area, players can fight a custom ship. This is geared towards servers with mods or a need for new content. ### General note Adding the /summon command to admins \ moderators will let them setup a trigger in the sector that they are currently in. Players who enter this sector will trigger the boss to spawn in and he will be hostile. ### Installation Original files do not need to be edited for this mod to work! data/scripts/plans gets the say.lua (the file without path at the top) data/scripts/player/cmd gets the boss*.lua files and the other summon.lua data/scripts/player/missions/bossMission.lua data/plans gets your workshop ship plans (you can sub to the ship, use it in game, save it and find it in your appdata/roaming/avorion folder) in that same appdata folder you will find your admin.xml where you will need to add in the summon command and the bossPlayerTrigger (or else you will get unknown command) ### Config File server/data/scripts/player/cmd/bossConfig ### In game Added a playaer command that only need to be entered 1 time /bossPlayerTrigger. This will trigger missions to be spawned on military outposts for the player. bossMissionConfig checks the distance from the center and picks the appropriate mission. To setup a new mission, pick a new name like distanceC. Paste it into the config file where the shortest distance gets picked first. So distance 425 would have to go between 350 and 450 in the bossMissionConfig file. More turrets will just create more damage. distanceC = { distance = 425, factionName = "Warpers", shipXML = "zygonian.xml", turrets = 2000, title = "something", name = "something2" }, Fly to a sector, do /summon. When you fly out and back in you will see a boss and a message warning you about the boss do /summon remove to stop the boss from summoning in the future To set custom values (space is not working yet, so the messages might be tough) so /summon Empire deathstar.xml StarDestroyer DarthBuydioer 3000 m m 4000000 7200 This would spawn a stardestroyer with the empire faction ect. welcomeMessage would be skipped because I put m in there. You can skip any of these values and it will get the information from the bossConfig.lua. Also doing just /summon Empire, would only change the empire (the rest will be skipped automaticly) "factionName", "shipXML", "title", "name", "turrets", "welcomeMessage", "deathMessage", "deathRewards", "respawnTime" ### Bugs I need to add a timer to the Rogue ship missions, Rogue missions would need to be edited manually Download: https://ufile.io/xuu3a file size got too big lol
  14. Every attempt I have tried has not worked sadly.
  15. If you test this you won't have AstrayasClass.xml in data/plans. I had to subscribe to a Workshop ship, build it from plans, save it as something else and then I could move the file from my AppData/Roaming/Avorion folder. lol zzzz also added in a modified version of the price command and added it to the admin.xml package.path = package.path .. ";data/scripts/lib/?.lua" package.path = package.path .. ";data/scripts/?.lua" require ("galaxy") require ("stringutility") local PlanGenerator = require ("plangenerator") local ShipUtility = require ("shiputility") local TurretGenerator = require ("turretgenerator") if onServer() then function initialize() player = Player() local str = "Testing ship summon" local lastSector = {} player:sendChatMessage("Debug", 0, str) --local faction = Galaxy():createRandomFaction(Sector():getCoordinates()) --DB 1 changing faction name to make nme local factionName = "Astrayanians 44" local faction = Galaxy():findFaction(factionName) if Galaxy():findFaction(factionName) == nil then player:sendChatMessage("Debug", 0, "I made a new faction") faction = Galaxy():createFaction(factionName, 310, 0) faction.initialRelations = 0 faction.initialRelationsToPlayer = -100000 faction.staticRelationsToPlayers = true end --local plan = PlanGenerator.makeFreighterPlan(Faction()) local plan = LoadPlanFromFile("data/plans/AstrayasClass.xml") local pos = random():getVector(-1000, 1000) pos = MatrixLookUpPosition(-pos, vec3(0, 1, 0), pos) local ship = Sector():createShip(faction, "Astrayas Class", plan, pos) ship.title = "something" ship.name = "something2" ship.crew = ship.minCrew ship:addScript("ai/patrol.lua") TurretGenerator.initialize(random():createSeed()) local turret = TurretGenerator.generateArmed(x, y) -- Number of turets gets reduced and replaced with a damage multiplier local numTurrets = 3000 ShipUtility.addTurretsToCraft(ship, turret, numTurrets) --this is validation found in the4 script that i didn't want to mess with -- make sure this is all happening in the same sector local x, y = Sector():getCoordinates() if lastSector.x ~= x or lastSector.y ~= y then -- this must be set in order to drop the loot -- if the sector changed, simply unset it lastPosition = nil end lastSector.x = x lastSector.y = y Loot(boss.index):insert(InventoryTurret(TurretGenerator.generate(x, y, 0, Rarity(RarityType.Exotic), WeaponType.RepairBeam))) terminate() end end
  16. No idea. Going to try and start with a command to test this out /summon -- well it works but lua is cancer. supposedly it can never find any script ever. even when it is looking in the correct folder, for the correct file AND IT RUNS. Nope, couldn't find it ok lets try google, o not a fucking thing... shocked --
  17. edit: I guess I just had to take out the .lua extension. Not sure what else is up with it local success, returned = pcall(require, "mods/CustomFactions/scripts/player/eventscheduler") old: Where do you put the mods folder? local success, returned = pcall(require, "mods/CustomFactions/scripts/player/eventscheduler.lua") Can't seem to figure out where it is looking
  18. Hey Aki, spend some time helping instead of patrolling the forums for swear words. Then frustration won't escalate so high.
  19. attempting to index a nil global sector is what stops me at the moment. Not sure what is going on with that
  20. I know what you mean about the balance issues. Seems simple enough to limit what data goes to the user, I was thinking a config file. One thing about the existing system is the amount of goods. You basically have to check if the seller has enough goods and the buyer has enough goods. I wouldn't mind giving that information to the user. Also, searching the map for things like factories is tedious. People already make spreadsheets which seems worse. I would like to stop this from taking away from the game experience. So this will lead player to making more money. For me the extra money in trading has made the game better. Making it more of a sandbox, instead of a grind. It is like this for some people and would seem op to others. im trying to use local stations = {sector:getEntitiesByType(EntityType.Station)} for _, station in pairs(stations) do to maybe list what is out there?
  21. Obviously I read the * documentation. I didn't * invent the example given above. you * *. At least you have some shred of use by pointing me to the game code. local stations = {sector:getEntitiesByType(EntityType.Station)} for _, station in pairs(stations) do looks like that will make some use of the data coming in. In the mean time try not to push any beginners away from modding, *.
  22. I know I can load this information with Sector():getValues() ... then what? Any ideas?
  23. nm it is ` or ' from the keybindings lol it returns type user data
  24. I am "creating a new instance of a sector" with Sector(). Not sure what that returns... doesn't look like it has args. Any ideas? I was trying to save it to a variable and then use send chat message. The final goal being a readout of what shops \ factories ( and possibly goods ) are in an area
  25. I am trying to figure this out too. So far the best I have is parsing the data from the XML files. some folder that says sector. Then I could put this data to a website. Sadly there is no mention of who discovered these areas, so everyone would have access to the map of known space i guess. Maybe you could pay to find whatever? Or record who went where and give them access to that map? There is also a few sector command which I will try. Setting up the test server today.
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