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Tracey TFW

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Everything posted by Tracey TFW

  1. Iron? Guess I have to take a look on them again. Seems the game changed the blocks while I added them. Happened a few times... Thanks for the stats. Edit: Hmm I took a look but besides the starter block made from Iron, I couldn't find any other blocks that would explain why they need that much iron.
  2. Added the smaller version. Big one needs around 52.000.000 Credits. Not sure about the resources, but would guess like 500.000 Avorion and 2.000.000 Trinium? Maybe more, not found a way to look at it, unless I missed it. The small one cost around 7.000.000 Credits. No real idea about the resources here, sorry. Edit: Fixed some missing parts on the smaller version.
  3. I made a few changes on the smaller version from my Carrier. I was able to reduce the Crew that is needed and the block count from it. Made from blocks with the size: 2.25 x 2.25 x 2.25 Credits needed: ~4.306.322 Trinium needed: 848.446 If anyone is interested I can work on the bigger version too. Old Post: Had some problems wiht crating ships that looked good, so I tried to remake my Carrier that I did In Space Engineers. Well, it worked, even with all the game crashes, still a bit to big I think. Need some more work on the colors and some details (still testing things). Will be a pain to get the crew (and fighters) for it and I don't think I will be able to get it in a normal game. Trinium Blocks with Avorion generators and shield. Moves fine without the crew, but I have no idea how it will move when get all the Crew I need for it. Have a smaller version from it too, which only needs 2 Generals, the one above needs 22... Both still have massive free room inside for other things. Firewing_XII.zip
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