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Everything posted by Macro

  1. Hi, I'm currently working on developing a mod that will need to communicate between both the server and the client. Reading into the code it seems the intended functions for this are the invokeClientFunction and the invokeServerFunctions, but I have an issue where when they are called nothing happens. I've been developing in a Single Player game since it seems these games are just dedicated servers that shutdown upon the player leaving and that have no connections others to latch onto. I'll post the test code that exist as a modification of the tradeoverview.lua file, the results are posted below as well -- Test Code function test(response) if response then print(response) return end print("-- -- -- Test Started -- -- --") test_request(test) end function test_request() print("[test_request]") print("onClient? " .. tostring(onClient())) print("onServer? " .. tostring(onServer())) print("Calling Player: " .. Player().index) callingPlayer = Player().index if onClient() then print("[test_request]: Client") invokeServerFunction("test_request") end print("[test_request]: Server ") local code = [[ package.path = package.path .. ";data/scripts/lib/?.lua" package.path = package.path .. ";data/scripts/?.lua" function run(callingPlayer) print("[test_requset] Async") return "Hello, World", callingPlayer end ]] async("test_recieve", code, callingPlayer) end function test_recieve(response, callingPlayer) print("[test_recieve]") print("onClient? " .. tostring(onClient())) print("onServer? " .. tostring(onServer())) print(response) print(callingPlayer) if onServer() then local player = Player(callingPlayer) print(tostring(player)) if player then invokeClientFunction(player, "test_recieve", response) end else print(response) end end It seems the code does not start off within the client, but also cannot reach the client for the call to be invoked? Can anyone explain what is happening? Also, if you know about where calls originate I would appreciate it since I do not understand why the initial onSectorChanged call seems to already assume that I'm working on the sever both here and with the /command function I built.
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