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Everything posted by fractal_lifeform

  1. Hello there! I'm looking to adjust the loot settings a server I'll be hosting for a group of friends. So far fiddling with the values has been unsuccessful. Can someone provide me with correct values or a quick explanation how to calculate said values myself? I'm guessing these are the things I'll need to alter: LootDiminishingFactor ResourceDropChance TurretDropChanceFromTurret TurretDropChanceFromCraft TurretDropChanceFromBlock SystemDropChanceFromCraft SystemDropChanceFromBlock ColorDropChanceFromCraft ColorDropChanceFromBlock Any help is much appreciated!
  2. Ja. RIP Monitor, augenscheinlich. Ich behalte mir dennoch vor den Aluhut aus dem Keller zu holen und weiterhin leise zu murmeln, dass Avorion meinen Monitor umgebracht hat. Danke jedoch für die Antwort und alles Gute aus Dortmund. \m/
  3. Switching to german for convenience: Die Karte wirft keine Fehler, hat keine Performance-Einbrüche bei Benchmarks und rennt flüssig. Ich finde es äußerst kurios, das dieses vermeintliche HW Fehlverhalten genau zu diesem Zeitpunkt (nach 10+ Stunden Avorion, Kudos nebenbei - grandiose Arbeit) auftritt. Und _exakt_ so aussieht wie das Avorion Menü. Des weiteren betreibe ich mit der Grafikkarte zwei Monitore - und nur der auf dem Avorion tatsächlich lief ist betroffen.
  4. The left-to-right stripes used to accentuate the menu screen are now all over the monitor I used to play Avorion! Restarting won't fix the issue.. Sometime during a long session with friends I complimented the filter that the menu and the game uses. My friend then informed me that the menus have a filter but the game does not.. that's when I noticed that the filter had 'spread'. It's on windows, it's on every other fullscreen application. When I take screenshots (e.g. snipping tool) and drag them over to the left monitor they look normal though. So I can't even show you how it looks. Included is a screenshot of the menu to show the stripes / filter I am talking about By now I have tried: - restarting my computer - unplugging / replugging my monitor - reinstalling graphics drivers (GTX 970) It's frustrating.. did Avorion kill my hardware? If so: How.. Why.. windows 7 64bit, nvidia GTX 970 logs from first launch onwards: clientlog Sat Feb 04 20-05-32 2017: http://pastebin.com/ii5zqJQe clientlog Sat Feb 04 23-36-12 2017: http://pastebin.com/QwDX0gPn clientlog Sun Feb 05 11-54-40 2017: http://pastebin.com/s2gQW5Re clientlog Sun Feb 05 14-54-06 2017: http://pastebin.com/SqAwev2R clientlog Sun Feb 05 18-00-40 2017: http://pastebin.com/rFhqSjAc
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