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  1. This is definitely an issue. Especially with fighters and shields. A friendly fighter you can't possibly be expected to see can fly into your laser beam and you take a faction hit. The larger ships getting close together can also cross shield areas where you're not graphically hitting a friendly ship, but you're damaging their shield because it wrapped around the enemy you're shooting. If you have a lot of firepower it can change a max rep to minimum in seconds.
  2. You are my hero, and also f#$% this game. After probably 20 hours of play time just looking for this thing, I find one 5 minutes after using the console command.
  3. I've seen 4 of them in this game previously. I bought 2 of them, and lost them both to my ship disappearing after a crash. I thought, "well I'll go get the rest of them and then buy the easy one." Now that I have the other seven, I haven't been able to find the merchant one for 4 days. There's a mobile merchant that seems to be stuck in a sector with the one base I've created. I tried relogging to refresh his inventory for about 3 hours and never saw it. I've tried roaming the galaxy looking for others for 3 days now, and can only seem to find the turret or metal merchants, none of the systems merchants. Not one. And they seemed so common. Is there something that can make them stop appearing? Is there a console command I can use to spawn one or get past this somehow so I can see the core?
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