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Everything posted by Nerge

  1. This is one for long down the road perhaps, but one of my favourites parts about exploring in Avorion is seeing some of the planets and spacescapes when jumping into new systems and I really hope the variety and complexity of what you find in each system can be added to over time. With that said, it would be cool to one day be able to visit planets and other more distant places of interest in a system up close; probably via some in-system jump would be most realistic and achievable, like in Eve Online. Imagine warping to a planet's upper atmosphere and visiting / attacking a station or placing your own there while seeing the spectacular sights below you and even seeing traffic coming and going from the surface (even if just simulated) or faction wars in orbit with the winner then bombarding the planet or taking control of it - lots of mission types, trade runs and fun possibilities there. :) Here's one example I came across in-game, probably not that spectacular compared to what many have come across but I liked it and I'm sure there are many more: (large-ish image so in spoiler tags) I'd like to jump to that planet one day. :)
  2. It would be nice to have other layouts as long as it's optional, as some may well prefer things less in your face and centered.
  3. Okay so I took a look at what F2 does (toggles between control schemes, keyboard etc.) but couldn't see an option to maintain current speed; perhaps I've just missed it but what's that bound to by default?
  4. Also see Koonschi's reply in the thread below, which may enhance the coop experience: http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,1522.0.html At least I hope that coop piloting is what he's hinting at will be included with the Alliances update. :)
  5. My 'W' key finger thanks you - I'll have to look for this later.
  6. Can't wait - that's more than I was expecting the Alliances update to bring. :)
  7. Just thought this may be fun - no idea if it's feasible or not. How about there is the option to co-pilot a ship with a friend. I.E. the first person in the ship or owner is the pilot, a second person can be invited or granted trusted access (whatever works best) and is then in control of the ships turrets. (or certain ones/vice-versa) I think this could be fun to fly in the same ship as a friend, exploring the galaxy as one of you concentrates on flying to get the best positions and formation on the targets, while the other concentrates on firing the turrets. (similar to manning a tank in other games) Perhaps when there are bigger capital class ships more than one extra person could man the same ship and have access to a particular bank of turrets (the turrets can already be grouped after all) or manage other ship systems (ship power priority?) as/when they are introduced to the game. Example: extra players that can launch into one of your fighters or custom ships if we're ever allowed to dock smaller ships to larger ones. It could also just be a nice little feature to take on a player passenger, heck tie it to a new module and even allow npc passengers - lots of expanding game play avenues opened up there. (passenger ships, VIP escorts, bounty hunting) I think this could add some real fun to multiplayer and even single player with the passenger ideas. :)
  8. Hey all, I don't think these are features yet but please correct me if I've missed them. It would be handy (literally) if we could set bindable keys for the following: Maintain speed - if you're only cruising it will maintain that speed until you hit the key again or manually adjust forward/rear thrust. The same goes for if you were using your afterburner at the time, it maintains that, at least until your power runs out. This will save our poor fingers when on those longer trips and when you want to concentrate on aiming with your turrets (using ctrl) while a steady speed is maintained - related to second point below. Set ship speed - similar to what you can do in Eve where you can set your ship's speed to set amounts, such as in 10%-25% intervals, which could be bound to what keys you wish (number keys?) I think this would be useful in a number of situations - strafing runs, circling a target, close maneuvering such as when docking etc.
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