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  1. These are super designs! Hopefully you'll post the xml's so the rest of us can travel the galaxy in the same style ....
  2. That it is! All that's missing is the xml file.
  3. I suspect you are right with the English first language observation. Perhaps we could have some fun guessing? My guess would be, wait for it, (drumroll please) "rebooting" or even "reimagining".
  4. altair

    Kaine Corp

    Waiting this long for these beauties is the definition of xm hell :(
  5. I have just spent a full ten minutes gazing admiringly / longingly at your new designs before I noticed the absence of xml's. Could you be so kind as to post them when you have a moment please? Also, I could use a towel to mop up the drool :P
  6. Sorry for not posting previously, (I haven't had as much time to play as I'd like over the last few days). I liked the look of your designs enough that I downloaded them. I haven't yet had the chance to use them in game but that's my problem and not yours, I should have posted something and not just dl'd. Your work is an interesting counterpoint to some of the other work being done on Avorion ships, where the aesthetic seems to significantly outweigh functionality. I like the fact that you've approached the problem more from the utility angle with the upgradability of each ship being a significant part of the design philosophy, making that your unique selling point, if you will. For me this is important as I always end up looking for more from ships after a while, more room, speed, energy, etc, so the fact that I have to spend less time doing that is pretty cool. When I look at them again I'm even more impressed by the fact that you've done the work to make them relatively easy to upgrade and they've still turned out looking like ships, whereas mine have had a tendency to look like something a five year old with the attention span of a gnat would make using Lego. Keep making easy to upgrade ships, from a practical perspective, they're just what the doctor ordered
  7. My attempt to download your xml file has been met with what I believe is a rather firm, "Access denied" message - (Zugriff verweigert Der Zutritt zu dieser Seite ist dir leider verwehrt. Du besitzt nicht die notwendigen Zugriffsrechte, um diese Seite aufrufen zu können.). Apologies if I'm wrong in that but I don't speak German and the page in question doesn't offer translation into English. Would it be possible to post the xml somewhere that is a little easier to access?
  8. I hope that I'm breaking no rules by suggesting this, but what about NexusMods, (http://www.nexusmods.com/games/mods/uploadwizard/)? Nexus has been around forever, (or at least it seems like it, I paid for lifetime membership in 2006 and it's seemed like a bargain on so many occasions since) the number of downloads is monitored and as a result you can see the hot/trending files in different sections. It's also permanent and without download/upload limit, it does have paid and unpaid accounts and you get slower downloads on unpaid, but in this instance we are not talking about files the size of some of the massive mods for the Fallout games, Skyrim or the Witcher3 . Although there is nothing Avorion related currently there, I hope that we'll soon start to see it, (some would say that it's a sure fire sign a game has made it).
  9. I would just like to add my voice to the small chorus of those requesting xml's, please.
  10. Great work on these designs :) I've downloaded the Yacht and Ratufa class corvette but am unable to download the others as the inks for the xml files of the Frontier One Class-3 Trinium Corvette and Hystrix Class-10 Trinium Freighter appear to be broken :(
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