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Everything posted by koonschi

  1. Disable screen space reflections, set reflections to background, not everything.
  2. Screenshot please? Works fine here.
  3. This is planned but it's more work than you'd think because that would imply that jumping with non-fully charged hyperspace engines should also be possible. Would be the next logical step.
  4. Most important suggestion: Post the server logs, otherwise I can't help.
  5. Does this happen every time? What OS? Did you change your system clock while ingame? Please provide more information, this should obviously not happen.
  6. Because the unused lower left corner isn't unused, it's for the chat window. And there really is no reason to show your resources all the time, you don't have to constantly check them.
  7. Yes, the gyros are what uses up the energy, I just checked the stats. They use up way too much energy, I'll fix that before it goes live on the default branch. As for gyro strength: Material scaling went down (a lot) and base strength went up, that should make them more viable early on and not as insane later on. They are actually meant as an alternative to thrusters for medium and small ships. Thrusters are still a lot more powerful, simply due to the lever mechanics, but a lot of people don't like the way they have to be placed, design wise. Thrusters will still be an absolute must for large ships and you will have to make room for them since they simply outscale gyros, but for medium sized ships and small ships gyros can provide a good and reliable (e.g. easier) alternative.
  8. A third sounds like a lot yes. What ship? What generators? What materials are you using? Do you have the .xml file? Where is the power going? Check the power tab for more infos.
  9. Neutral zones will be generated like all sectors. It's not an offgrid sector though, so you won't need hidden mass scanners. You'll get a notification when you enter one, and there should be traders.
  10. The changes I'm telling you here are in comparison to the last beta branch patch (I didn't want to do 2 patch notes, one vs. beta and one vs. default). - Gyros are directional now (for better control over your stats) and are a lot stronger than in the beta branch. Overall we might be looking at ~twice or triple the strength (their material scaling has been changed as well). Select a gyro to see its direction, you can also see its direction when placing them. - Inertia dampeners are weaker. - Engines are also weaker (~66% of strength before), but they still scale linearly with total volume, so for bigger ships it's actually a buff (compared to default branch). - Thruster rotation strength has been increased (while strafing/braking strength remains the same). Doesn't make sense, I know, but it simply feels better. I'm always tweaking the values, I tweaked them over 6 times or so since the last beta patch. I've tried quite some ships from the forums here, how they feel, how the stats changes feel with the new blocks feel, etc. and I think they're now in a place where I like them.
  11. Patch isn't live yet. Patch is live on the beta branch!
  12. Patch Date: March 19th, 2017 Here are the patch notes for the current patch! The patch will go live on the beta branch until tomorrow, and if everything goes well, we'll set it live tomorrow. Flight Mechanics Revisited There have been a lot of adjustments to flight mechanics and the pancake thrusters mechanic/exploit has been removed, since it was never meant to be used the way people used it. Thrusters will now scale with volume. While cleaning up the (very old) code thruster stats calculations, I removed several artificial enhancements to thrusters and flight behaviour of the ships. For example, thrusters had several enhancements that ended up giving them 6 times the power that they should have. These enhancements have been removed, but in turn I buffed thruster strength so while it shouldn't cancel each other out, thruster strength hasn't just been reduced to 1/6 of your ship. There was a similar restriction to engines, which I removed, but in turn reduced the power of a single engine. So your ships should accelerate worse with less engines, but a lot better with more engines. However, YOU WILL HAVE TO REDESIGN YOUR SHIPS. In order to make up for the changed thruster mechanics, and since I think that thrusters were kind of an uber-strong block that does everything (which I'm not a fan of), I added a few new blocks: Directional Thrusters, Gyro Arrays and Inertia Dampeners. The old thruster block still exists. Directional thrusters will work just like normal thrusters, but their power will be along a single (configurable) axis, so you have more and better control about the stats of your ship. Gyro Arrays will only affect the rotational speed of your ship. Their placement is not as important as with thrusters, since they apply torque directly to your ship. On the other hand, you don't have lever mechanics (like with thrusters) that will allow you to get better stats depending on the distance to the center of mass of the ship. They also scale with material strength, so you might want to upgrade them along the way to the center of the galaxy. Finally, Inertia Dampeners are a block that creates subspace friction and that has a very high energy consumption. Due to the special properties of Iron and Avorion, Inertia Dampeners can only be built out of these two materials, and they scale with material strength. Since they create subspace friction, they will reduce drifting and can brake your ship, but they won't be able to accelerate your ship. So your ship will feel different after this patch, but with the new blocks I'm giving you the tools to get the old flight feeling back. I tested a few community ships from the forums and found that the changes required to get the old feeling back were not that intrusive and could be made in a couple of minutes. In order to not let the newtonian-flight-crew feel left out, I split up gyros, inertia dampeners and thrusters into several subsystems and you can now disable the (energy-intensive) flight assist for a boost in available energy. So if you like the feeling of drifting through space, you're going to love this. And configurable pro- and retrograde markers. Groups In this patch I'll introduce groups. You'll be able to invite other players via the chat or a new menu entry when interacting with their ships (however, since this is done by a script, this will only work on new ships and drones). Players of the same group will be highlighted in the UI and on the map. Please keep in mind that this is not the Alliances update, we're currently working on that, but I found it important to release the current development progress since it has a few important changes. Server Browser Last big feature (but not least): I added a server browser and servers with the "listed" option enabled will be listed here. You can also configure passwords for your server if you want to play by yourselves. Patchnotes So here are the full patch notes for this patch. I've been typing these up from the last patch to the default branch, not the last patch to the beta branch, so you might see some features again in these patch notes. Gameplay Flight mechanics have been revisited Improved the flight behaviour, especially related to ship inertia (your ships might drift more now) Removed artificial 6x power boost to thrusters Increased power of thrusters Rotational speed cap is now 4.0 rad/s (from 2.0 rad/s) [*]Docks regenerate on stations as long as there are less than 2 docks [*]Added a new repair mode Added a window that shows repair costs Repairs to blocks can be discarded from this window Repairs can be done block by block [*]Client sided ships steer more precisely [*]Mines buy a range of goods [*]Energy systems can be toggled on and off one by one [*]Players can now set a repair dock as their reconstruction site where they will respawn on death [*]Added "neutral zones", sectors where no attacks will happen and where players can't deal damage to each other [*]Ships are protected while changing sectors and while loading screen is visible on client (this can be disabled with a server setting) [*]Added an AI command for salvaging Groups Players can invite other players to groups Use /invite [player] to invite players to your group Use /join [player] to join a player's group Use /leave to leave a group Players can also interact with ships of another player to invite them (works only for new crafts and drones) Members of the same group are shown in the top left of the screen Members of the same group are highlighted on the map Members of the same group are highlighted in the sector UI Resources are no longer shown during flight mode in favor of the group UI Resources are shown when interacting or in menus (basically whenever you might need to know exact numbers) Total and relative resources are shown when picking up resources and money Camera is reset to front-view when leaving building mode Ship tab shows missing blocks Mail window has a filter + combo box for players Improved calculations for ships being too big to fit through wormholes/gates Added display of center of mass in building mode Added preview for thruster holes in build mode Added pro- and retrograde markers Fixed and improved visuals of systems upgrade tab Loadingscreen tips are no longer bold so they have better readability Added tooltips stating what turret control systems actually do Added explanation to m/s in loading screen Added scrolling to F1 online players list Graphics Implemented new visuals for thrusters Shields no longer obstruct particle effects like fog, shots, sparks etc. Reduced brightness of thruster flames New Blocks: Directional Thruster Similar to thrusters, but their forces only work in one dimension [*]Gyro Array Strength scales with material Gyros increase rotational speed of the ship in a specific direction Placement doesn't matter (in contrast to thrusters), except for how the center of mass of the ship is shifted by the mass of the gyro [*]Inertia Dampeners Creates subspace friction that brakes your ship Only Iron and Avorion can provide the physical properties required to generate subspace friction Inertia Dampeners can only be built from Iron and Avorion High energy consumption Balancing Thrusters now scale with volume, not surface Surface only affects the distribution of forces created by thrusters Large surface -> large portion of force in that direction Increased strength of thrusters Thrusters are about ~62% as strong as engines [*]Rebalanced engines Removed artificial restrictions on engine scaling with volume Reduced power of engines Engines are now worse when you have few engine block volume, but better when you have more [*]Military outposts buy electromagnetic charges [*]Adjusted reputation loss when destroying crafts of an AI faction Loss for destroying fighters is 1500, down from 20000 Loss for stations is 50000, up from 20000 Relation loss for other non-ship objects are 5000 Ships remain at 20000 reputation loss [*]Reduced factory sale ratios from up to +-50% of good price to +-30% [*]Factories no longer have abundant amounts of very valuable goods on creation [*]Solar panel price depends on surface area as well now Server Browser Added a server browser for steam servers Servers that have the "listed" property enabled will be listed in the browser Server Added password protection for servers Implemented binding to IPs with steam networking enabled Several commands now work with player indices and steam IDs Affected commands: /ban /banip /unban /give /groups /kick /teleport [*]Added a /playerinfo command that prints indices and other info about players (mods only) [*]Added a /status command that will print some status and profiling infos about the server [*]Added a /selfinfo command that will show a player administrational info about himself [*]Administrators don't undergo whitelist, blacklist or password check when logging in [*]Amount of generator threads are configurable via command line and server.ini [*]Added the console input command handler for windows [*]Implemented reconstruction of faction index from files on error [*]Implemented pruning of bad ips from blacklist [*]Implemented adding of IPs to steam network server clients [*]Added some warning messages when potentially problematic server settings are detected [*]Improved deletion of large wreckages Deletion disabled for generated station wreckages Deletion time of large and small wreckages is configurable Improved wreckage despawning behaviour [*]Profiling of sectors on server can be enabled and disabled with a server setting (disabled by default) Scripting API Implemented a sector.lua script that is always present and that can be used for sector-static initialization Tooltip of ui elements can be reset by passing nil as tooltip Respawn sector of players can be set and retrieved Player to player damage can be disabled for sectors Added a script command for sending chat messages on client Added server-sided chat commands that can be issued from scripts Misc Client waits for server to start up in singleplayer Improved data writing and securing for less file corruption Removed some output from shader compiler when not needed Limited the amount of chat messages that can be sent per 5 seconds Known Issues "These issues will be resolved until tomorrow, when the patch will move over to the default branch for everybody." Ship generator not using gyros /leader command to make another player the leader of the group Scrolling of turrets in current ship tab Bugfixes "As usual, user bug reports are marked with [uBR]. Thanks to you guys and keep it up!" Fixed a rare server stall when a player is written to file Fixed typos in german localization Fixed a server crash when loading corrupt data Fixed several typos in lots of places Fixed a crash in mouseover for UIListBox Sector changes have to be confirmed by the server before they're marked on the map Fixed thruster strafing being unaffected by energy efficiency Fixed Hyperspace Core processing power to normal [uBR] Key bindings no longer reset with each update [uBR] Fixed Steam achievements related to Steam stats not working on Windows [uBR] Fixed a few issues related to Windows UI scaling [uBR] Fixed smuggler mission targets being generated inside the ring [uBR] Fixed rename squad input window [uBR] Fixed a massive performance issue with miners when no more asteroids are present [uBR] Fixed scripting data not being saved on server shutdown [uBR] Fixed scrolling in cargo tab [uBR] Fixed scrolling in cargo transfer window [uBR] Fixed wormholes going into the ring [uBR] Fixed crash in trading overview [uBR] Bottan no longer jumps away only because relations are bad [uBR] Fixed building preview stats (especially brake stats) being buggy [uBR] Fixed an exploit related to chat [uBR] Fixed several server crashes when receiving garbage [uBR] Fixed a crash related to faulty deadlock detection on Windows [uBR] Fixed headquarters not showing up in sector overview [uBR] Fixed a crash in UITextBox when a new text was set and scrolling was too far right [uBR] Fixed swoks not attacking on one dialog option [uBR] Fixed allied ships attacking each other when escorting [uBR] Fixed an error where players would get recreated each time they log in [uBR] Fixed broken interaction with wormhole diverter and endboss [uBR] Fixed broken reach of factory-produced weapons (ScriptWeapons's reach modifier works as intended now) [uBR] Fixed rigid beam weapons not working on ships that have shields [uBR] Fixed black shields on low-end GPUs [uBR] Fixed performance issues on galaxy map [uBR] Fixed overflow in crew numbers [uBR] Fixed naming of newly founded stations [uBR] Fixed mission coordinates going out of bounds of map in several missions [uBR] Fixed gates crossing the barrier to the center [uBR] Fixed missing translation in tooltip of trading overview [uBR] Fixed boosting when engine is disabled [uBR] Fixed holo blocks getting destroyed by craft decay [uBR] Fixed an error/crash in convoi distress signal mission
  13. I'm sorry but I'm having a very hard time understanding what you want to tell me. Please use proper punctuation and tell me exactly what you did, what's going wrong, etc. and post the latest client log file.
  14. Moved to troubleshooting. Make sure that your AMD card is selected (see the FAQ here in the forum), the game is using the intel video card.
  15. The official contact address of our office has been updated on the site and is openly available for everyone (as required by law). But this picture doesn't belong in this thread.
  16. Time for an update! Please excuse the long radio silence, but there was a lot of stuff to take care of after the launch and the first fixes. Two weeks ago we went to GDC in San Francisco for a week, which is a once-a-year opportunity to meet other professionals from the games industry which I just couldn't let slip. It's one of the biggest game developer conferences in the world and I learned a lot from the talks and conversations with other devs. When we came back after this week at GDC we were busy moving into our office. Until then I had been developing the game from my personal home, which is not just unhealthy but also not as professional as I'd like to be. We got it done surprisingly quickly, it only took us a little more than a week, with internet, building all the new equipment like workstations, new build server(s), countless trips for buying furniture and all the other equipment we need for development. Development Progress During this time we couldn't work on Avorion sadly, but now that everything is in place in the new office we're back to work. We'll release a new update this week (first on the beta branch, then, after 1 or 2 days we'll push it to stable if it performs well). This is what we've been working on over the last month (minus the 2,5 weeks where we had to get the other stuff done). Some of it is already in the beta branch for testing. Groups. Players will be able to invite other players into a group, so they can see each other in the sector and on the map in real time. Server stability. We're working on improving the "Connection Closed" and "Server Unreachable" errors, especially on startup. Gyros, inertia dampeners, directional thrusters and flight mechanics. We're reworking the "pancake thrusters" since that's an exploit that should never have been a thing. More details on that in the final patch notes. Server improvements, steam server browser. Lots of QoL improvemenst that you've been suggesting, for example pro- and retrograde markers. Improved repairing of ships. You'll be able to repair ships block by block or discard any blocks that would need repairing. Lots of fixes for bugs and/or exploits reported by you, for example the black shields issue that has been hitting intel users hard. Thanks and keep it up! Final Note This is not the Alliance update! We're working on this one as well, but so far there aren't that many new features that you don't already know about. We're looking into a release on Alliances in about 4 weeks after the groups update I mentioned here. The reason why I haven't been posting more on the steam and official forum is simple: I've been busy running the company and working on the code. I know people get suspicious when Early Access devs stop giving life signs (and sometimes you should) but these kinds of updates and reading and replying on the forums cost me a lot of time, and I prefer spending my time on the game. I hope you understand. Also, we have cepheni, thedamngod and JECJoker (Shoutout to those guys!), who have been a great help and who have been and still are working closely with me. That's all for now, have fun!
  17. Not being a native speaker is only one part of why it takes a long time. Players usually dissect every little thing I say so I have to be very careful with what I mention since everything I say can and will be used against me ;) Also: I'll post an update today (in the steam community hub as well).
  18. Das kann an vielem liegen, aber wenn ihr mods installiert habt, und ich den Fehler bisher noch nie gesehen habe, liegt der Verdacht nahe, dass es an nem Mod liegt. Natürlich sollte ein Mod nicht in der Lage sein, den Server zu crashen, deswegen ist es trotzdem von Interesse für mich. Welche mods habt ihr installiert?
  19. That is a bug in the beta branch, it doesn't only affect stashes but other objects as well.
  20. I've fixed an issue related to this, I'd like you to try it out once we set it live next week and report back here, if possible.
  21. I investigated it and I can confirm this is a bug. I'm fixing it right now.
  22. koonschi

    position offset

    Please be more specific, what positions are offset and what would you expect to see? Are we talking about ingame ship positions or UI positions or sector positions?
  23. They stop, it just takes some time.
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