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Everything posted by seals

  1. Looks like the fix is to re-enable useSteam=true in the ini.
  2. Hi, When I warp into a calm sector, everything is fine. I can mine, visit stations, etc. When a few pirates show up, everything is ok for a little while. I can attack them, kill a few. Eventually damage stops being reported on the ships. Loot stops being picked up. I can fly 20-40KM away and see that the enemies are still attacking where I was, not where I am. EVENTUALLY things start streaming in...I get some materials from the damage I did 5+ minutes ago and 40KM away. I start seeing damage numbers 40km away from when I shot 5+ minutes ago. This is happening every time there is more than one ship. Or 1 The AI ship...I can break it into a few chunks then the game stops showing damage, stops picking up loot. I try to warp out and it takes 10+ minutes for the text to come up saying it is calculating my root. My ship was mining while I waited in my little escape pod...pirates came in. I told it to escort me so I could jump inside. It sat there mining. I flew up to it (~30KM away)...told it to enter. kept trying this as the 6 pirate ships attacked it. Eventually the pirate killed my little pod and I respawned in the ship. I was about 20KM away from where I died (and visible was next to my ship). With this lag the game is unplayable. No crashing, no errors in the log besides the UDP debug message. Also, all our legendary items were removed by the latest beta, and all ships disappeared. I thought maybe there was an issue with these items so they were removed...but once I made a new ship and got enough crew, I started attacking pirates and the lag began. I'm connected to a remote multiplayer server. 10-20ms shown in the F3 menu, 60fps. Max 3 players, usually only me. The lag happens for all of us, even the host who is local to the server. This has been happening since the previous beta was released, continues with most recent beta. We've tried creating a new galaxy...eventually 3 ships beam in and start attacking...and bam no updates from the server. thanks, Chris
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