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Everything posted by Fox

  1. for our non-german speaking community users i summarized the Questions and answers for your reading pleasure: ____________________________________ 1) Daily Routine since Early Access? - 1/2 Community Work (Forums, E-Mails, Questions), 1/2 Coding/Working for the next Update 2) The Team? Any Help? - gets Help by the Community in Forum Management, etc. - Currently main Programming Helper busy studing - ~1.000 Bugtickets per Day (including Doubleposts, Tickets wich are no Bugs, etc.) --> ! Please check existing Bug-Reports first ! 3) Development Fokus? - Currently Multiplayer: 1) Serverbrowser with Password-Support, easier Server Administration (e.g. Indexes instead of names) 2) more Stability, less corrupted Data 3) Servermods-Support via STEAM-Workshop (wishes for Support without WS for Admins, but there seems to be Security Issues) 4) No Support for STEAM-Cloud because of Filesizes 4) LINUX or WIN? - started to Code on WIN, changed to LINUX for personal Preferance - will definetly keep supporting both Platforms 5) Final Release? - ~Q3 2017 - Basework basically finished, Content following next - Workshopsupport for Shipsharing comming - Fun-Fact: Koonschi was totally suprised to hear much people play the game maybe 1-2 hours, but use the BuildMode for hundrets, like a Creative Tool! 6) Build Mode? - ~90% finished - Changes on how Repairs are done --> Single Block Repairing (was right in work when the Interview happened) - Buttons for Shipwide Material-Upgrade, Scaling and 90°-Turning - blank out Blocks for easier accessable Interiors 7) How to give suggestions? - Best on forums, he checks it regularly and reads almost everything, even if not always commenting - Suggestions are no Development-Facts! 8) Why mainly communicate in english even tho german Dev-Team and strong Community? - small Dev Team needs to focus, international accessiblility is important - is very proud on the AVORION-Community 9) Future Plans after AVORION? AVORION 2? - too soon, just a little dreaming here and there maybe, strongly focusses on AVORION - maybe some content released as DLC after Main-Release 10) Do you yourself still enjoy playing AVORION? - yes, but its still work, so it comes to looking at wanted features and bugs and results into tendency to go on coding 11) Your friends playing AVORION? - not so much, as personal taste still matters - mentiones how impressed he is from the Community-Builds! 12) Influences on the Development of AVORION? - X-Series (Mainly X3) - X-Wing Alliance - Minecraft --> "A game like X with procedually generated ships would be great, wouldnt it?" ... and AVORION was born! --> resulted in Koonschi's first work, a Ship Generator, from which the game evolved --> Showed an early version to a friend: Koonschi: "Look, all procedually generated ships made of little boxes!" Friend: "Why not let the Players make the ships out of these little boxes?" Koonschi: "!" 13) Storymode planned? - No, Fokus on Sanbox Aspect after MP, e.g. building Stations, OOS-Production, etc. 14) Features to hard to implement? - avoid "Feature Creep" - landable Planets would be an example which wont make it into the main game, but could get an own DLC after Release - No InGame-VoiceChat, good tools out there for that 15) Reactions to negative Reviews? - often belied expectations or grief about Bugs --> ! Please read the Early Access Disclaimer before buying ! 16) Controller-Support? - No, controls too complex already 17) Traderoutes for owned NPC Ships? - Yes 18) Founding Factions? - Yes, planned for next big MP-Update after Serverbrowser - Alliances of multiple players with shared Ressource Pool and Productions, shared Control of multiple players on a single ship (like one Pilot, one Gunner, one Squad-Commander) 19) Category for different ship classes? - would prefer not to hardcode these, but to allow Alliances to define their own classes 20) Bigger Turrets? - Definetly, current turrets are remaining placeholders from an old system, expect something more like Turrets scaled by damage done 21) more depth in Crew-Management? - No, current system is basically as complex as he want it to be, no Skilltrees or RPG-Style Elements 22) Creative Mode? - Make the current "No Ressource-Mode" a real "Creative" Mode with endless Turrets, Options for Crews, easy creation of Stations, etc. ____________________________________ hope its someway understandable... ???
  2. good one, very informative! @Dad War das erste Interview dieser Art? Wirklich gut durchgeführt dafür, strukturiert und klar verständlich... tolle Arbeit! Wär bei der letzten Anekdote zur Entstehung des Buildmode fast geplatzt vor Lachen, besagter Freund verdient nen Orden! ;D
  3. oh, wasnt intent to start discussing about Cloaking in particular, but of approaches Small Ships could use against Big Ships, like mentioned Role Warfare or Swarm Tactics... like you said speed alone wont help small ones to survive, i thought Targeting could help here? Sry for derailing tho :-X, back2topic
  4. oh, hopefully nothing like full-cloak-"all invinsible", i'd prefer to see some kind of Jamming Equipment or such... Maybe which makes you not to pop up on other player's HUDs until in Range X (could give smaller, more nimble Ships a way to Hit & Run, but me not very expierienced in PvP, just a thought...) and makes enemy NPC's ignore you until in Range X OR firing a weapon (..."at them" to exclude mining/salvage?). This could be a chance to give modules like Sensor Booster (just as an example, i barely see it on screenshots) a little love, like if it would give you +90% Radar Range you can detect a "Radar Jamming" Enemy at Range X+90%...
  5. oh well, thats very true, game versions without them thrusters could get into trouble, havent thought of that! might depend aswell on how far away the beta version is from going live... maybe soon enought the new update becomes the new default and a <NOT UPDATED YET> marking which can be removed if tested with the directional thrust update would make more sense, the other way around basically...
  6. i looked into the Beta Branch yesterday to test out the new Thrusters, and i can say: My ships are perfectly fine without em, even handling better than before, especially braking ability was improved massivly, so no need to switch out here... would that mean my Ships are "DTU" ?
  7. Not sure what the Plans are, but from an Interview with Koonshi i just watched i can quote him on the topic regarding Crew (the question was asking for more depth, skilltrees and such), that the current implementation is as far as he wants to go in terms of complexity... maybe that changes during development, but thats what i can give on additional Information... Link to the Interview (german):
  8. These look absolutly beautiful... i love the detailwork on the front's sides! 8)
  9. Games i play at the moment... ok, lets see: - just recently finished the DARKSIDERS Games... Hack 'n Slash ala DEVIL MAY CRY, definetly would recomment, good story! - SPACE ENGINEERS (great Block-Building Simulator, not so good gameplaywise sadly... still fun if you enjoyed LEGO and can overlook some buggyness) - ORCS MUST DIE UNCHAINED (Tower-Defense with TPS-Elements, loved the frist one despite being singleplayer, the Online Version is fun aswell, but kinda short-living, not much to do there after beating the maps...) - GHOST IN THE SHELL: STAND ALONE COMPLEX - FIRST ASSAULT ONLINE (Free Online-FPS with some interesting Abilitys) - MECHWARRIOR ONLINE (Tactical Shooter at its finest, played for years, not so much lately, very Teamplay-Dependant Game) - ATTACK ON TITAN TRIBUTE GAME (Fanmade Project which got abbadoned, but still is fun to play if you have options to deal with all the cheaters... i love it for being dependant on your ability to play it, not some numbers on a stats screen) - MOUNT&BLADE: WARBAND (was called "GRAND THEFT HORSE by my little brother, very fitting...) - if you enjoy the Horror Genre i definetly recomment playing F.E.A.R., but just the first part, later games become more shooter than horror... - some Logic-Puzzle-Games like SPACECHEM, INFINIFACTORY, LOGICBOTS or HUMAN RESSOURCE MACHINE when everything else becomes too stressful Hell yeah, i have this one still on my Drive aswell... good old times... guess thats all for now...
  10. - X3 Reunion (CODEA any1?) - Homeworld (mainly the 2nd, Desserts of Khaak was so disappointing...) - Space Engineers (brought me here in the frist place) - Sins of a Solar Empire (the Halo-Mod was epic!) - WingCommander (WC3 on PS1 had a fking 45min. closing credits even listening the "Assistant of the Assintant Chef"!! oh, and its usually my Goodnight-Movie...)
  11. you can hold Shift to activate the mouse cursor, then click the Ship/Station you want to select with the middle mouse...
  12. Beautiful recreation, maybe you should sit down together with Zajc to bring more true WH40k epicness to the community!
  13. i just can agree with what was said before, stunning, breath-taking, simply epic! Cant wait to see more and those mentioned Chaos-Fleet!!
  14. Agreed, looks good indeed, tho i confused front with back on a first sight... cool Detailwork
  15. Fox

    (DTU) Neo's Stuff

    good idea with the gun placements, consider it stolen!
  16. Fox

    Blaine's Shipyard

    I love how you used the glowing blocks, very inspiring... now i wish for a wandering "Knight Rider" Effect for those, certainly would look epic ^,.,^
  17. i like this style much, very Homeworld, great work! more pls!! : 8)
  18. Ty all for the kind words!! :-[ I added the smaller ships to the Lineup for your viewing pleasure :P
  19. uhm, maybe i get this wrong, but there IS a free camera mode, no? Just hit Numpad 5 and move the camera with the arrow keys... its sad IMO that your ship will still rotate towards the direction the camera is looking tho!
  20. look down at Reply #17 to find the old FX-1 Designs! Needed to tidy out the main post abit...
  21. Fox-Die Inc. "We build a better future - together" "Fox-Die Inc. & it's asoziated Manufactures prodly present their upcomming Product-Line in the Exploration-Fleet-Section..." ____________________________________ Breaking News: "Following a Statement of FDI-CEO Dante McFox, the Production of the FX-2 Series was halted in favour of an cooperational Project together with an advantageous Partner! Rumors came up that the Executive Director of Ares Combat Industries together with his Chief-Designer K. Medlock were seen arriving at the new FDI-HQ. Combining ACI's Design-Philosophy with the technical capabilitys of FoxDie Inc. let us all wait with bated breath for the upcomming time..." Working closely together with ACI (check out k_medlocks fantastic workshop if you're interested in Space Engineers! Many thanks for letting me adapt the designs! :-*) has brought up the FX-3 & FX-4 Series, a huge advantage over previous designs both in form and function! Moved to Steam Workshop, dont expect anything happening here too soon (maybe if i get a lazy minute to care for this topic, but no promises!). If you like what you see here and you're still interested, follow my Steam-Workshop to be up-to-date... But enought the words, here we go: ____________________________________ Much thanks to Dad for this great Spotlight Video: ____________________________________ Support Vessels (as the name says, serving in supporting roles for their flottilla): FX-42 PT "Dagger"-Class Patrol Boat "Believe me, everyone, even those new in the Deep-Space-Exploration Department, can afford one of these pretty little babys! Here, let me show you a Holo, i promise you won't regret..." - Miss S. DeVulpes, FDI PR The smallest Frame made within the FX-4 Series, made to deliver an adequate while affordable solution for Patrol Duty across the Outer Rim and the Company's needs for high-ranked personal transfer. Cost: 1.403 Cr. + 686 Iron FX-42 Dagger-Class Patrol Boat.xml FX-42 CC "Rapier"-Class Light Corvette "Once we watched 3 Rapier's wrestling down a totally helpless Light Cruiser of the Makeen-Pirates. Pesky little buggers as they are, always attacking from dead angles, and running out of range when he tried to turn and bring his deadly frontal Laser-Batteries to bear... their Engineers should have considered the firing arcs better..." - Cpt. C. Cameroon of the "DSV Princess' Desire" Protected by advanced Integrity-Fields, this small, nimble and substitutable class is often used to command patrols along the Outer Rim, screen bigger ships from attacking fighters or hunt in packs for unaware enemys. Cost: 32.250 Cr. + 5.285 Iron + 1.933 Titan FX-42 Rapier-Class Corvette.xml FX-4 TS "Diligent"-Class Cargo Hauler "Where do you want it?" - Lt. Ellen Louise Ripley FDI's answer on the Taurus Heavy Transport Frigate, the Diligent features a large Cargo Hold, some small ventral Hangar Bays, over-the-top maneuverbility to help with docking processes, additional Guest-/Passanger-Quarters and some remarkably view from the distal Flight Bridge. Cost: 390.770 Cr. + 40 Iron + 32.753 Trinium + 14.485 Xanion FX-4 Diligent-Class Cargo Hauler.xml Ships of the Line (dedicated Combat Vessels capable of area-denial or flanking around the combat's center): FX-4 FF "Broadsword"-Class Escort-Frigate "Frigate - the smallest Warship-Class capable of independantly execute Actions on operational and tactical level." - FDI Basic Instructions Manual 3649-B, Section 6/3 Introducing advanced warfare technology, this class features enhanced HyperJump-Capabilitys, dedicated weapon emplacements and highly-protective Shield-Technology on Basis of energy-rich Naonite. They excell at Escort- or Mining-Operations or at taking command of hunting wolf-packs. Cost: 216.125 Cr. + 44 Iron + 6.689 Titan + 20.605 Naonite FX-4 Broadsword-Class Frigate.xml FX-4 DD "Claymore"-Class Flakdestroyer "I know i have the Holo somewhere here...!" - Miss S. DeVulpes, FDI PR Often called "The best ships of the fleet" by their crews, a Destroyer brings enough firepower to obliterate any smaller vessel, while a small Trinium-based hull configuration and powerful engines make sure it can outrun any threats it can't outgun. Cost: 1.181.031 Cr. + 44 Iron + 114.435 Trinium FX-4 Claymore-Class Destroyer .xml Captial Ships ("A capital-ship can operate without it's supporting fleet, but a fleet with disabled capital-ships is defeated!" -FDI Basic Instructions Manual 1524-D, Section 5/7): FX-4 CA "Seraph"-Class Strategic Cruiser "Cruiser - the smallest of the capital ship classes, Cruisers are capable of successfully conclude any strategic Assignment on their own while providing substantial Area-Denial capabilitys in larger Fleets. Variants might include larger Subclasses like Heavy- and Assaultcruiser, or smaller, more specialized Artillery-, Strike- and Light Cruiser, which might not even fall under the Capital-Ship Category." - FDI Basic Instructions Manual 3649-B, Section 6/5+6/6 Outmassing any Ship of the Line, this class usually makes up the anchor of larger fleets, but is aswell capable to fullfill any task on its own. Not utilizing as much Hangar-Capacity as the Archangel-Carrier nor as much weapon emplacements as a Battleship, but it's versatility makes it a popular choice for any given duty. Cost: 7.975.181 Cr. + 76 Iron + 128.897 Trinuim + 604.801 Xanion FX-4 Seraph-Class Strategic Cruiser FX-4 CV "Archangel"-Class Auxiliary-Carrier "Aah, now i understand, Sir! Not enought Strikecraft-Capacity? Well, take a look at THIS Holo..." - Miss S. DeVulpes, FDI PR Decription tbd Cost: 13.869.768 Cr. + 64.838 Iron + 286.399 Trinuim + 995.486 Xanion FX-4 Archangel-Class Auxiliary-Carrier Super-Captial Ships (Designer's Note: Simple RP Builds with no gameplay intented): FX-4 HQ "Lair"-Class Flagship "ERROR OPENING DATA FILE: ACCESS DENIED! Please stand by, Security Officers are notified and on their way! Thank you and have a nice day!" Not much is known about the DSV Lair, FoxDie Inc.'s mobile Command Plattform. It has been seen occassionally before jumping away in numerous sectors around the galaxy's center, and it was spotted resupplying FDI's TaskForce during the Europa-Conflict. With more than 2km lenght total it's dwarfing any other FDI ship, possesing enought living room comparable to a small city and in need of a hullcrew of >27.000 Men and Women to operate. This titanic vessel serves as Shipyard, Commandpost, FDI's Administration Center and main Logistics Hub aswell as home for the families of the Company's Military Forces in Long-Term-Duty. Cost: 426.930.224 Cr. + 120 Iron + 4.760.850 Trinuim + 6.096.803 Xanion + 2.017.465 Ogonite + 16.618.237 Avorion FX-4 Lair-Class Flagship ____________________________________ useful Tools: Block Upgrade Tool by 3lex Ship Rescale Tool by Mangomania used Mods: Functions: Avorion Commands Package by Aki /showdist Command together with FleetControl and FindStation by w00zla Appearance: Clear Shields by darkconsole ("I can shield clearly now, the rain is gone!" rofl) HUD: Detailed Turret Tooltip and Compass-like Gate Pixel Icons by lyravega TODO: FX-4 Release: Battlecruiser, Battleship, Transport-Barge, (incl. Fluff and gifs) FX-42 Improvements: FF+ Free-Floating & Roidbased Station Template Ideas: Support Vessels: Shuttle, dedicated Miner SotL: Flakfrigate (powerheavy variant to support longterm Plasmabarrage), Missledestroyer (featuring vertical Launch Bays for Seekermissles), Strike-Crusier (Allrounder-Design on SotL Scale), Stealthcruiser & EWAR-Frigate (psssst! :-X ) Capitals: Light Cruiser (might be SotL Scale aswell), Heavy Cruiser (moar Armor), Assault Cruiser (Close Combat Variant of the BC) Stations: individual Variants (?) Strike Craft (?): Fighter, Bomber, Civil
  22. Hellow fellow space-faring Folks! I'm new here, so i guess i introduce myself first: I'm Fox, 32, from Germany and playing Avorion for about 3 weeks now after a friend showed me a video and i tested the demo. So instead of writing much i gotta return to my ship and go get some more Trinium... Just let me say i already had alot of fun with this game, i dont see it ending anytime soon (i loved Lego as a child) and im eagerly awaiting any progress this great project. So much aspects of my favourite games like X3 or Space Engineers, packed together into a multiplayer-able sandbox? A fking DREAM come true!! Oh, wait, the Trinium... Feel free to send me any questions via PM if something comes up, otherwise see ya'll in space... Fly safe! Fox
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