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Everything posted by HellkerN

  1. Awesome <3 Though Laserzwei kinda already nailed it here http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,1880.0.html But if you can add extra features like the fighter transfer and such, it'll still be great. And thanks for pointing out there is a documentation, I hadn't noticed that, been sorta stabbing blindly until now, and that doesn't always work out well since I have about 0 knowledge in Lua, just experience in C#.
  2. I love you <3 This is exactly how I imagined a good cargo transfer window should look like.
  3. Aw heck why not, someone in Discord suggested a Sheep mine, but lets just say we didn't get to them in time and they turned into oil. This should do it table.insert(productions, {factory="${good} Mine ${size}", ingredients={}, results={{name="Raw Oil", amount=1}}, garbages={}})
  4. HellkerN

    [Mod] Coal mine.

    I was disappointment there is no way to produce coal, so after a quick look it turns out you can mine anything you want by editing \data\scripts\lib\productionsindex.lua Just add a line table.insert(productions, {factory="${good} Mine ${size}", ingredients={}, results={{name="Coal", amount=1}}, garbages={}}) somewhere in there and bam you can mine coal now. Image:
  5. I haven't experimented with stations, but yeah it should just transfer all available stuff.
  6. I hope the title didn't get your hopes up too much, not really a mod just a crude edit to ease the cargo transfer a bit. What you have to do to transfer multiple items at a time is: open the file transfercrewgoods.lua (in \data\scripts\entity folder) in Notepad++, find the line ~415 invokeServerFunction("transferCargo", cargo - 1, Player().craftIndex, false) and replace it with for i = 1, 50 do invokeServerFunction("transferCargo", cargo - 1, Player().craftIndex, false) end Then a bit below that in the next function replace invokeServerFunction("transferCargo", cargo - 1, Player().craftIndex, true) with for i = 1, 50 do invokeServerFunction("transferCargo", cargo - 1, Player().craftIndex, true) end And now you transfer 50 pieces of cargo at a time, or replace the 50 with whatever amount you want to transfer. Don't worry it won't crash or anything if you have less than that amount of cargo, it'll just transfer what you have. I really tried to make a nifty mod, but alas I couldn't figure out how to add a textbox in the UI, or even a second button. Really hope someone will do that eventually.
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