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Everything posted by Qux

  1. I initially cleaned out my ship design auto-save folder as it had gotten huge and I never used it. However when I did I started having an issue where my workshop designs no longer load properly. I reinstalled Avorion fresh, redownloaded everything hoping it would fix it but I'm still having that problem. My custom folders for my own ship designs, turret and template designs load fine. But my Workshop Ship and Workshop Turret folders will only load up some of the designs I've subscribed too. Exiting the Saved Designs folder and going back into it will cause more ships to load, but some ships that were loaded will also then disappear. I can never get my entire library of workshop designs to actually populate no matter how many times I try to refresh or reload the folder which is extremely frustrating. Any idea on what could be causing this? Avorion otherwise runs perfectly fine and all files have validated successfully multiple times.
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