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  1. are you planning on putting these ships on to the workshop? because if you are then you have a sub already.
  2. Hi, Not sure if this has been suggested before but here goes. how about adding some sort of projection system to the Shipyards, so if your working on a large project(not in Creative) you can come back and forth dropping off resources/crews and really see you ship being built at the shipyard. i know you can go into build mode and load up a saved creation if you have the resources but what if you could do it in the shipyard and watch it being built and it fully crewed because you had somewhere to drop of crew(instead of building a massive space station to house the crew till ur ship is ready).
  3. Hi, has this issue been fixed because i've come across this problem and its causing me no end of pain. I got a Server from GTXgaming(always been good to me) and i've now come across this issue. Server crashed and now everytime i log into my server i start a new character. please let me know how you fixed it or tell what i should send to that E-mail address? Thanks Armada
  4. Only found this because of XpGamers play of it. but soon as i saw him play it, i bought it.
  5. nicely done, been trying to build a Star Destroyer but i can't seem to do what you have managed, look forward to you releasing it and giving a bash.
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