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  1. Met this bug too with salvages: neither far distance nor rotating makes them choose another target, when leaving the current one on autofire mode. Only re-switching autofire mode helps for me.
  2. I thought that on server, 20 updates (20 ticks) are around 1 second. It was so on my local server, but on my friend's server, there were 40 ticks per second.
  3. Why whatever i write in server.lua update function, dedicated server acts like i din't add anything at all? I even modified server.lua of the game, but it didn't help...
  4. So I need to implement this function in server.lua, and call it from "update" function?
  5. I don't know Lua, and I don't know how it works in this game. But I want to make a simple dedicated server script, that will show messages with information periodically. In server.lua "onStartUp() function I added string: Server():addScriptOnce("messager.lua") In the same folder I added messager.lua script: if onServer() then function initialize() --executed once at start, starting message i.e. Server():broadcastChatMessage("Server", 3, "Starting to annoy!"%_t) end function getUpdateInterval() --after how many seconds, update function will be called return 60 end function update(timeStep) --main function, all magic here Server():broadcastChatMessage("Server", 0, "I will annoy you!"%_t) end end Comments are made by me, i can be wrong (for now, I think it all works like this). When I launch dedicated server, it works as usual, but shows no messages. What have I done wrong?
  6. In Avorion\data\scripts\player\missions\delivery.lua row 188 is: "Where are you? You're late on your delivery! Someone else has delivered to the goods to the client. You're fired!"%_t, I think it should be: (remove "to" before "the goods") "Where are you? You're late on your delivery! Someone else has delivered the goods to the client. You're fired!"%_t,
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