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Everything posted by soap

  1. richtig unnötig und der kundensupport hat keine ahnung von solchen einstellungen...
  2. gibt es eine möglichkeit den traffic zu reduzieren? ich denke tmobile hat da eine grenze gesetzt, hab leztens echt 30 minuten laden lassen aus verzweiflung xD
  3. keine probleme soweit. habe diverse blizzard spiele getestet, egoshooter wie cs,cod,division, ghostrecon machen keine probleme habe zwei speedtests laufen lassen, der eine hat rum gezickt und nicht geladen, der von tmobile ging gut
  4. t-mobile hotspot is a service of telecom germany. you need an account (i pay 5€ / month) to get access to this service. here https://www.telekom.de/hilfe/mobilfunk-mobiles-internet/mobiles-internet-e-mail/hotspot?samChecked=true you can find the hotspots in germany i cant say anything about the bandwidth of hotspots. usually my ping is about 50ms and the downloadrate is about 1mb/s .
  5. hello, is there anyone with a t-mobile hotspot connection trying to connect to a multiplayer server? i restrict the problem i decribed in http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,2518.0.html. the reason i cant load is that i use the t-mobile hotspot. so is there any option to fix it?
  6. ty we will try that. but why can i easily connect with my desktop pc?
  7. here is the serverlog , http://pastebin.com/x8SXuxwb -> multiplayer via steam joining, friend hosting, but he is unreachable so i cant get the serverlogs. my system specs: cpu : i7 6700 OS : Win 10 graphic : gtx960m intel hd "530"?
  8. hello, a friend of mine is hosting a server. if i try to connect on my laptop, there is an infinite loading screen (win10, gtx960m,i7 6700) yes is had to fix openGL bug xD. on my desktop pc i have absolutely no problems to connect on his server. i even tried a dedicated multiplayer server - same problem. there is no problem in singleplayer mode. i tried nearly all solutions i found in this forum. at least i reinstalled and verified integrity of game files. server side i am connected but my game is still in the loading screen which says "loading" PLEASE HELP ME
  9. soap

    Error from log

    same problem here, please help
  10. i updated the nvidia drivers, but i dont know how i can update the gpu drivers is there an option in the game like "open gl" to "direct3d" or something?
  11. hey i got the very same system and i have ths problems too. how did you fix it?
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