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  1. When can we expect the update which allows one to set the minimum amount? I don't want to wast 40% of the stuff that I only have 3 of. I'd do the changes to your script myself but even after breaking it into lines it's still a pure nightmare to read. (You were pretty successful in securing your script)
  2. Well I don't want to simulate any systems. I just want something similar to the crew payment system. It should just add money instead of draining it.
  3. This mod only makes something while you are in the sector. I want it to work without the need of visiting it so it won't be of a great help. Even though the mod has something on the roadmap: simulating trade. This is basically what I want. But it's not in yet.
  4. After I found my first abandoned ship I had a huge disposal of credits. I read online that stations are a great permanent source of income so I thought it would be perfect for me as an explorer to have 2 miningstations somewhere in the galaxy to fund my journey.... Well... it turned out that stations don't generate much income income but mostly resources that you could trade and that they do nothing but cost you crew upkeep when you are not in the system... Since I don't want to abandon them I thought why not make a mod to make them generate income similar to how the crew is payed but with a plus instead of a minus. The only problem is that I can't find anything related to crewpayment or playerstations in the gamefiles... So my questions are: Where can I find the crew payment code in the files?(Are they even scripts or are they in the binaries?) How can I change the payment of the crew and can I set it to a negative value? How can I access the amount of stations a player has? How can I access the payment of the crew of a player controlled station? How can I make an event that is triggered every x minutes? (Even one or two answered questions would suffice to make something that works.)
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