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  1. Middle click. Doh! I feel stupid. How could I miss that? On the plus side I'm now at 9 hours played and I'm (very) slowly ticking towards the center of the galaxy and enjoying the heck out of it!
  2. I must be missing something. How do I select a turret? In the 'B' build screen I've tried every single tool (on the build panel on the left) and combination of clicks I can think of a dozen times each. Same thing for trying to remove them from the 'S' ship screen.
  3. I had a much better 'round 2' last night. (Thanks again for the assistance above) I ran into one question and one problem that I couldn't figure out: How do I remove a placed turret? I killed one of those pesky pirates and found an upgrade... I ended up having to turn off 'Safe Mode' and delete/re-add the part of my ship that the turret was attached to. Something weird was happening when I'd try to fly and shoot at the same time. Clicking to shoot would fire one shot and drop my throttle to 0. Holding down the mouse button to shoot just fired single shots. I could keep clicking and it would keep shooting, but holding it down didn't work. And if I was moving and fired once, I'd have to release and press the throttle button (space bar) again. This problem wasn't consistent. I jumped out of the sector (since I couldn't really fight like that) and everything was working fine again. I hadn't repaired. My power generation was almost 2x my power being used, my batteries were full, and my gunner slots were all full. After that I noticed that in some sectors I *could* move and shoot, others I could only shoot once and it would stop my throttle. What really throws me off is that it works sometimes, but not other times... where the only thing I've done between is jumping sectors. Is this a bug or am I missing something?
  4. Very helpful answers. Thanks! I did build them onto my ship. Are you saying that they drop at a location (liked mined asteroid resources do)? If that's the case, I'm certain I flew away from them trying to escape the pirates I couldn't fight. I was on the run in an asteroid field, so finding where they dropped would seem... challenging. lol Is there a reliable way to find them again if they're floating somewhere in space after the pirates are gone? Or a way to build/get more? (After I built them onto my ship initially they no longer showed up in my build inventory.) :) I'm still pretty excited about the concept and some of the cool things I've already experienced. I'll give it another shot tonight and see if I can avoid pirates this time. lol
  5. I really want to like this game. lol There are already a ton of things about it that I'm loving, but I played for a few hours tonight and the experience was quite frustrating to say the least. During the tutorial, while trying to dock, there was a message about pirates and I was soon attacked. My thrusters and (starter?) weapons were apparently the only targets of the attack, so I was left almost unable to maneuver, then the pirates left me alone. I guess they were just trolling me? Without thrusters it took probably 10 minutes to dock. I bought a crew, repaired my ship... and was immediately attacked by pirates again. So I finally manage to rebuild my ship and finish the tutorial by going to another sector. Of course... pirates. They don't have the decency to finish me off, they just disable me again and leave me drifting through space. I use my mining drone to get iron to fix my ship, but I can't fix it because I don't have cash... and I can't get cash because I'm drifting through space. Anyways... frustrating. So a few questions, since there isn't much in the way of info around the internet yet: Is that normal for pirates to be so aggressive right off the bat? A peaceful sector would be nice trying to learn the controls. How do I build guns (and mining lasers)? In my build menu, I think I started with a couple of guns... but the first pirates destroyed them before I knew what was going on. So after that my ship was defenseless. I couldn't find anywhere how to build a gun. Can you outfit a ship to do mining? Even when I put mining lasers on my ship (I think they started in my inventory? Not sure where I got them), when I mined the chunks would just float off, unlike in my mining drone where it pulled them in if they were close enough. If I'm floating practically dead in space, is there any way to build (or repair) a single thruster? I couldn't build because I needed to repair first. I couldn't repair because I didn't have cash. I couldn't get cash because I didn't have any thrusters to get to a station. Is there a way to change the camera position relative to my ship? I couldn't even see the first pirates to try to fight back (when I had guns on my ship) because my ship is between my camera and where I'm aiming.
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