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Everything posted by lmss1994

  1. I have been trying to upload a station to steam workshop but every time i try i always end up with the same error massage, "Error while Uploading", It create an item in the workshop but its empty. I have already try to: -verify the files and it says its all ok -restart my computer -live and rejoin the bate branch -Try to upload other creation with a smaller block count (it also doesn't work) The only thing i haven't try is to fully reinstall the game but I'm starting to suspect that this problem may be caused by external factors. Game version: Avorion Client Beta 0.12.4 r8618 My computer is a Toshiba satellite p855 - 34j Windows 10 Intel® Core™ i7-3630QM NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 640M the client logs of my last attempt (the problem is in the 17 to 16 lines if you star counting from the last line)
  2. Re-installed Avorion Continue to build a station from a save file. saw a question about this station Holy crap this is cool. Necromongers? well i would say Yes and no at the same time. The actual base for this station is the same as the original fallout architecture, a fusion of: Neo gothic and Art Deco Architecter with big statue faces. by the way, the ship you see on the side, is a 8 upgrade slut ship. just for scale.
  3. Added a little bit more today, got to a point were i didn't like the top and decided to redo it. liked the 2 try. and decided to call off for today
  4. decided on the stile of the main building (art deco style) build a bit more of my citadel. used my smallest starter ship as size reference
  5. thanks Haystacks and for today i have been working on a station decoration for my citadel
  6. Hy, Dad I have been watching your videos, and I have enjoy them even before they wore in English "although i don't know German" and After watching the video showcasing a fleet i have decide to make a similar request but for a short section of my fleet. http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,2172.0.html My request would be for the Starter Ships Bravo Ind. - Ir. 2 - Starter Ship - 1 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzV1bukqcOjXMGNaNTdYejhGUmc Bravo Ind. - Ir. 1 - Starter Ship - 2 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzV1bukqcOjXR2NYNVI0djlzQms Bravo Ind. - Ir. 1 - Starter Ship - 3 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzV1bukqcOjXa2ZWQjVXRXVLREk Bravo Ind. - Ir. 1 - Starter Ship - 4 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzV1bukqcOjXdXRoQ1dtM1hOMnM Bravo Ind. - Ir. 1 - Starter Ship - 5 https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzV1bukqcOjXSTBqZUVJb1d6Z2s We all have humble beginnings, and a little help is always welcome especially at the start also feel free to showcase any of my ships that you like.
  7. i made a new starter ship. it's big enough to do the basic mining and early exploring but small enough to have a low price.
  8. New Ship added Bravo Ind. - Ir. 1 - Starter Ship - 3
  9. New Ship Added Bravo Ind. - Ir. Ti. Na. 6 - Heavy Cargo Ship - 4
  10. Poll Results Cargo Ship 2 (10.5%) Starter Ship 1 (5.3%) Fleet escort Ships 3 (15.8%) Pirate honter ships 1 (5.3%) Advertisement ships0 (0%)Just make new ships 4 (21.1%) Separate the ships by update and just live it be with a warning 2 (10.5%) Remake the most interesting ships to work on the new Update 6 (31.6%) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ New Ship Added Bravo Ind. - Ir.Ti.Na. 5 - Convoy escort - 4 New Stations Added Station Tr. Xa 1 Station Tr. Xa 2
  11. well i normally don't use odd numbers because it gets messy [0.25 ; 0.05 ; 0,025 . . . (X.X)] I do use 0.2 ; 0.4 ; 0.8 ; 1 and 2 I may make a similar ship in 0.8 or even in 2 scale in the future and i have a filling that it can be a good cargo ship for the beginning stages
  12. well when i need a base idea for ship design i go to an art web site and search for space ship, but i try always to create something different from that base idea. The art website i use is:https://www.pinterest.com As for games and other forms of entertainment you can use as inspiration: Star Wars Battlestar Galactica Star Track Stargate Warhammer 40k Dropfleet commander Halo Eve online Homeworld Fractured space Everspace Dreadnought . . . Chronicles of Riddick (2º movie)
  13. Today in Avorion I finish filling up the station with 5000 mechanics (the orange pixel in the center is the mining drone, and the ships next to the station are of 6 to 7 system sluts) Now I'm wondering how should i classify the station ,what should be it's name and possibly make a smaller version of it
  14. They ware the fist ships i made, so i din't knew if having hangers was a good or bad idea so the only reason in the end was it looked good. The new one has only 2 and that is because its a B version and if the original had it, it would be alien to the design if i had completely remove it. But I may remove it entirely in the next one in order to fever maneuverability and other systems.
  15. New Poster Added New Ships Added Bravo Ind. - Ir. 1 - Starter Ship - 2 Bravo Ind. - Tr. Xa. 7 - Heavy Cargo Ship - 3b
  16. well this is a starter ship so it's for resource gathering mainly, i have tested the iron one in combat vs pirates and the DTU on the front did't explode. I lost armor and side thruster most of my encounters with pirates and so far didn't lose the braking thruster a single time, it can be because of me using asteroids as cover ,luck or simply the braking thruster size is just perfect for not bluing up in this iron/titanium Encounters also some of the category's i have for the ships, force me to test them in their purpose Ex.: Pirate hunter ships have to be good vs large numbers of Pirates, the last one i added was tested against Avorion pirates ships and survived (Pirate Hunter 2). For the starter ships my main goal is to be good in mining and reaching Naonite area with out big problems and under a small budget of goods _______________________________________________________________________________________ For the poster i put it in the end of the last weekend, i was playing with gimp2 to see what i can do and can't to see what is different between it and Photoshop
  17. New Ships Added Bravo Ind. - Ir. 2 - Starter Ship - 1 Bravo Ind. - Ti. 2 - Starter Ship - 1
  18. Poll results Heavy Cargo Ship - 2B...............0 (0%) Heavy Cargo Ship - 3B...............6 (35.3%) New Cargo Ship...............1 (5.9%) New Advertisement ship...............2 (11.8%) Advertisement station...............0 (0%) Starter ships...............8 (47.1%) _______________________________________________________________________________________ Nest project will be Starter ships and Heavy Cargo Ship 3B
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