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  1. Thank you for the explanation of the issue. If I wanted to delete the sector, what is the proper way? I see the sector folders. There looks to be two folders for each sector. One folder named with the sector coordinates and one named with the sector coordinates with the letter v on the end. Do i delete both or just one of them?
  2. We currently have an issue on our dedicated linux server that when someone jumps into a specific sector, currently I have seen this error happen with only 2 sectors so far, the server starts to spew the following... Object: 6Sector Execution Context (inner to outer): #0: updateServer data/scripts/events/waveencounters/pirateshidingtreasures.lua could not execute function 'updateServer' in '"data/scripts/events/waveencounters/pirateshidingtreasures.lua"': ...scripts/events/waveencounters/pirateshidingtreasures.lua:29: attempt to index upvalue 'data' (a nil value) stack traceback: ...scripts/events/waveencounters/pirateshidingtreasures.lua:29: in function <...scripts/events/waveencounters/pirateshidingtreasures.lua:27> This continues to spew until the person jumps out of the sector. Here is the current server.ini file that I have configured running on the server.. [Game] Seed=zombiehorde Difficulty=-1 HardcoreEnabled=false InfiniteResources=false CollisionDamage=1 SafePlayerInput=false PlayerToPlayerDamage=true LogoutInvincibility=true LogoutInvincibilityDelay=30 DevMode=false ExplicitCallables=true BigWreckageDespawnTime=1800 SmallWreckageDespawnTime=900 LootDiminishingFactor=0.00499999989 ResourceDropChance=0.400000006 TurretDropChanceFromTurret=0.0250000004 TurretDropChanceFromCraft=0.25 TurretDropChanceFromBlock=0.00499999989 SystemDropChanceFromCraft=0.200000003 SystemDropChanceFromBlock=0.00499999989 ColorDropChanceFromCraft=0.0500000007 ColorDropChanceFromBlock=0.00249999994 MaximumFightersPerSectorAndPlayer=-1 MaximumBlocksPerCraft=-1 MaximumVolumePerShip=-1 MaximumVolumePerStation=-1 MaximumPlayerShips=-1 MaximumPlayerStations=-1 MaximumBlocksPerTurret=250 PlayerInventorySlots=1000 AllianceInventorySlots=1000 Version=0.31.2 sameStartSector=true startUpScript=data/scripts/server/server.lua startSectorScript=startsector [system] saveInterval=300 sectorUpdateTimeLimit=300 emptySectorUpdateInterval=0.5 workerThreads=12 generatorThreads=6 scriptBackgroundThreads=6 aliveSectorsPerPlayer=10 weakUpdate=true profiling=false sendCrashReports=true hangDetection=true sendSectorDelay=2 placeInShipOnDeathDelay=7 [Networking] port=27000 broadcastInterval=5 isPublic=true isListed=false isAuthenticated=true sendStatsToAdmins=true useSteam=true rconIp= rconPassword= rconPort=27015 [Administration] maxPlayers=10 name=Grampy's Avorion Server description=Grampybones Avorion Server (ver 0.31.2) password= pausable=false accessListMode=Blacklist Any help on this would be appreciated. Here is what I have tried so far. I have deleted the file pirateshidingtreasures.lua and had the server redownload another version I have uninstalled the server and reinstalled Junk
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