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  1. I was able to get an increased turret size by changing the turrets damage. However it also increased the recoil. Anyone got any insight how I could go about reducing the recoil? Thanks, Unlucky. Attached are some screens of the Turrets. http://imgur.com/a/POQc0
  2. Could someone help me understand the Turretgenerator.lua I'd like to be able to manipulate turret stats for a theme ship I'm building. Could you just up the offset to increase the base stat then let RNG do it thing? I'd appreciate a 2nd opinion on what to manipulate.
  3. Would anyone be down to participate in a building server? A creative server where you gain more experience building ships. Hopefully able to learn from more experienced builders and at the very least a place where you can BS and show off your builds.
  4. I'm sure that it's in the works, however I can't help but suggest that players are limited in assigning turrets to groups by the UI. I hope that someday soon the UI will be updated to have multiple turret pages.
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