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  1. that would really be great, but from what i've read in the forums and seen in the scripts there is no way of modifying the galaxymap atm :-[ Well then in the mean time, we could use the existing window the mod added for station searches and use the galaxy map sector select call from the trading system upgrades as an alternative till we get access to the galaxy map (although, I don't think the map can select multiple sectors at once so it may be of limited use.) But yes, given that info, we probably won't be given access to the galaxy map till we get a full API. That or someone would have to entirely recode the galaxy map from scratch to support window overlays or dropdowns as well as multiple sector highlight to support this feature properly.
  2. Thing about sectors is that this game is that every sector loaded in memory uses one thread for sector updates, regardless of if its SP or MP or even dedicated servers. Going about how you want to keep sectors loaded, you would quickly run out of threads on your CPU and start getting terrible framerates or even crashes. Instead, I recommend a mod, which is on this forum, that instead of keeping sectors loaded, it records the last time you were in a sector, then when you come back, it calculates game ticks to progress production on sector reload. Its called Out of Sector Production.
  3. Would it be possible to add this search functionality to the galaxy map as a whole, at least for station finding? (dropdown in galaxy map that highlights discovered sectors with the station you are looking for) I must have spent at least a 5th of my total time in this game just clicking on sector dots looking for the station I need to buy/sell mats from/to.
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