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Everything posted by ToxicHugs

  1. Welcome Captains of all Federations I am Toxic Hugs, Fleet Commander of the 101st Intergalactic Exploration Unit, also known as The Sons of Sorrow. To Begin I have traveled many galaxies and encountered an endless number of very talented ship engineers. If you're browsing this forum or uploading schematics and photos of your work here, you're likely one of them. I love the imagination and strategic ability of your work. However, when searching for different designs for my next vessel, sometimes I am at a loss for obtaining easy access to your schematics and information about the ships you engineers have designed. To combat this problem, I have taken the initiative to form the Toxic Galactic Community Shipyard. With that being said, I know that many of you already upload the content for your ships yourself, but I've seen many posts of amazing ships, but no XML file so the ship can be shared. The most common reason I see for this is because the uploader has either no knowledge of a hosting place to share the files, or doesn't want to create a google drive or dropbox to share the file. Here's Where I Come In So here is where I offer my personal dropbox as a service to the community. My personal dropbox has plenty of space to upload and share files from all authors and will always be available. Simply contact me if you'd be interested in having a folder for distributing your work and I will create it and give you required permissions on the folder. This way you don't have to rely on some cheezy file host site, your work will always be backed up and kept safe and will be able to be linked to and easily downloaded. Here's How It Works I provide a community hub for all the magnificent ships Each author will have their own individual folder Only the author of the folder will have read/write/share access to their folder Each folder will include the XML file for the ship Each folder will include an informational or "about" the ship Each folder will contain a .gif of the ship rotating Each folder may have a maximum of 20 pictures per ship I have taken the liberty of putting together and example of the work, using a ship list from a few of the larger Authors. Please feel free to message me on here or on Steam (Toxic Hugs) and let me know if you would be interested in collaborating with me to do something like this. If you're not interested in doing the work, I would still like to get permissions from each Author to upload the files myself and have them readily available in later postings in this forum or sub posts branching off of this post. Here's how each authors folder will look Each ships individual folder And the XML, Information and .GIF for the ship
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