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Everything posted by Hype365

  1. I was afraid of that... Unfortunately the hosting provider that would be offering the server either chooses not to do that or is unable to do that. Here's to hoping that it can be fixed at some point though :) Paying for extra IP's is no fun lol :P
  2. Short story is, I want to run multiple servers on the same IP but change the ports. Is this still not workable? If it is still not a thing, can it please be a thing?
  3. AH that's my bad then. I'm new to Avorion. Thank you for explaining that to me :) I'll try them out in the beta :D
  4. Actually... .Now that I'm looking through the rest of them, none of them are showing any breaking thrust when I apply the plans... o.O
  5. For some reason, when I apply the either cutter blueprint the stats show zero breaking thrust yet your stats show there is breaking thrust... I'm a little confused by this... Here is a screenshot of the large cutter http://imgur.com/fiDLM4X
  6. Love your designs :) Looking forward to the rest being posted :D
  7. Looks great! Gonna try this out. I have such a hard time building decent looking ships lol
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