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Everything posted by darkconsole

  1. while a neat idea i think its too much for this game. it would basically just turn everything into mech warrior where you have one huge gun and 90 heat sinks. and i think its suppose to allow for a bit more creativity than that would.
  2. i found the cylon! no networks on my ship!
  3. you have to dock with everything else, seems kinda silly to have instamail where players can send anything. probably in the galaxy ini settings.
  4. i would like to mothball a ship. keep a skeleton crew on board, like 30% of the normal mechanics ONLY required, thats the point the profession goes from red to orange in the performance column. no engineers, no military ranks. it needs to stop decaying, say, at 30%. in fact, just in general, ships should probably never decay lower than the mechanic percentage........... it needs to stay in a populated sector because the entire point is to look cool. as it is right now, it looks like its going to blow itself up. the fact it cannot be ran well without re-staffing and rearming it is punishment enough. some of these ships need 700+ mechanics to keep them alive which is so many.
  5. no you know the proximity by having the distance listed near the targeting reticle. i just want the lights to lod farther out so you can see them and actually know what side to start shifting towards.
  6. i am noticing that the stock counts are not getting updated, even on sector change. bought all 10,000 units, jumped to another sector, sold them, jumped back, trade ui still says there are 10k at that station there are now 0 at. figured it would update next time i visited the sector at the very least... but nope. looking at the source i think thats just how it is even before you got to it. but i wonder if we can fix it between the two of us.
  7. i understand that that is a solution but it defeats the entire purpose of me building cool shit to see at my home sector. since i left 30% mechanics on board im hoping it stops decaying at... 30%... we will see...
  8. is there a limit to how far the health of a ship can go down if it has no mechanics on board? i am mothballing my cuiser beacuse its 1.5mil each hour and i just cannot afford it for some reason. right now i have it parked with no staff except mechanics and the military required to organize them and its still costing me out the arse. i'd rather pull the entire crew but i don't want it to randomly explode one day. even at 30% mechanics which is the marker where the performance category goes from red to orange, its losing health as a stupid rate. it would be nice if it at least stops decaying at like 50% or something. i dont understand how a completely idle ship can just die. maybe add a full off switch in the systems power panel?
  9. About. URL: https://github.com/darkconsole/avorion-asteroid-respawn This mod will respawn asteroids after some time has passed. It works best on multiplayer servers since they are constantly running - time does not pass in Single Player games while not playing. By default this will make the asteroids respawn between 10-14 real life hours from the time they were mined out. It uses the game's balance mechanics to choose a mineral that makes sense for that sector, so you will never see Avorion spawn where it should not. This mod DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLY make all asteroids respawn. You must first attach it to a sector if you want that sector to have the ability. This requires you have the /run permission on the server or for you to ask a server moderator to come in and do it for you. You must attach the script to the sector BEFORE you mine it dry, it will not magically make asteroids you already mined come back from the dead. I think it will stay this way to help server admins not completely kill their server with a million scripts. Instructions on how to install, change the delay time, and delay randomization, on the mod's main page. Note, don't set Drift to be larger than Timer that would be stupid. CLIENTS MUST HAVE THIS MOD INSTALLED (OR A BLANK FILE NAMED THE SAME) OR ELSE THEY WILL GET STUCK ON THE "LOADING..." SCREEN WHEN ENTERING A RESPAWNING SECTOR BECAUSE LOL I GUESS. Activation Process. 1) Find a sector you are like "wow this would be great if it respawned, its so close to my home or whatever" 2a) /run Sector():addScript("dcc-asteroid-respawn") 2b) Then if you pull down the console you will then see how many asteroids it noticed have minerals. 3) Mine crap. 4) Profit after whatever you have the delay set to. ~12hr by default. Here is a video that shows how it works when the delay is disabled. Which would be silly.
  10. ABOUT This mod will help you adjust how often you get attacked by pirates/aliens. More details than you care to know, as well as installation instructions are on the main mod page. Main Page URL: https://github.com/darkconsole/avorion-event-balance Install Scope: Server Side Only (Unless you want it in SP) WHAT IT DOES [*]Increase the delay between events. There is no reason to get attacked by pirates every 10 minutes space is huge come on. [*]Look at the average volume of ships in the sector. If a sector is beefy pirates will not attack they have no chance. If a sector is too small it is not even worth the fuel to attack. [*]Even if your sector is too stronk, there is a chance the pirate is so drunk he is like whatevs and you get attacked anyway. [*]Even if the sector is in the perfect range for attacking, space is huge come on, adds a flat chance that the pirates just wont find you. FOR SERVER ADMINS You WILL Need To Tune The Settings To Fit Your Server's Playstyle Mmmkay. The default values I have tuned for how I want MY server to be, which favours slightly smaller vessels than I build so that pirates leave me the hell alone lol.
  11. 1) found station 2) "you sure, it will become immobile" 3) `yeah right watch this` 4) try to put engines on it 5) watch your ore and money vanish 6) no engines expected: no engines and not stealing my crap. or engines. deep space nine had them. :o [interesting update] after reconnecting to the server, i now see a bunch of engines lol. and then the game spawned a docking port on them lol. http://i.imgur.com/kBt7mo8.png
  12. Excuse me, some of us may be consuming things that adversely affect the memory while chilling out to this game and would prefer to know what's up constantly ;) avorion and chill
  13. the lights that direct you to docking ports, it would be nice if we could increase the distance that they are visible from. those of us with giant ships need more time to get aligned. currently they dont seem to pop in till about 5km out, and these big ships need at least 20km to slow down. if its an issue with screen clutter then maybe only if its targeted. consider it a part of the hud, an ILS system.
  14. dunno about if you jump more than 1 jump away, but, last night i did test if i jumped away before my battlecruiser's hyperspace was recharged while in Escort mode, if she would show up at her earliest convenience, and she did. and i tell you what, when you're in like a 30m ship just staring out into nothing and then all the sudden a 2km cruiser jumps in RIGHT ON TOP OF YOU, you gonna need a fresh pair of pants.
  15. "it only takes a minute" it takes me ~2hr to publish information about my skyrim mods. do not underestimate the drag, drain, and toll, making words for people who dont understand anything, to understand the things, across 50 different social medias and websites. personally on the steam forum i would post a sticky "come over to the real forums i dont have time for this"
  16. thrusters are pretty weak in 0.11, and i have this feeling that inertial dampeners only work when you let off ALL the keys, because it glows when its working, and it never glows while im rolling from thuster to thruster.
  17. you jump into a sector and its like "this is a neutral zone" from what i can tell they aren't even coloured differently on the map so, and i have found them in both friendly and not friendly territory, so i dunno. the ones i found tend to be along the gate networks.
  18. does anyone know what the actual features are that "high" mode turns on? on my nvidia 760 honestly, high looks kinda bad to me. the reflections go from being nice to being super grainy, so does light. i know its an old card. just wondering if anyone else noticed the grain. runs at a solid 60fps on or off. the bump mapping on the metal also gets super grainy in high. antialiasing also seems to suffer greatly in the areas affected by the effects it enables. http://i.imgur.com/d62FfhX.gif
  19. yes please make it an option to bring back the old hud without having those readouts in my face i have no idea when its time to actually try make money to pay my crew. i'll explore until they start leaving. out of sight out of mind. which is hilarious the entire game depends on you managing your economics to get anything done. credits and ore counts are of prime importance and should be on screen. over the years of devving myself ive noticed that, if i want to change something, i'm probably wrong and should make it a new setting instead. unless it needs a complete overhaul. this is not world of warcraft where i have to click on party frames to do healing as fast as i can, the player party is literally the least important thing this game could ever have to tell us. the party frames are the ones that should vanish. i'm not just going to forget im playing with my friends. but i AM going to be surprised when i accidentally run out of credits. i know the game is still young, but i have been really surprised by the number of people on discord who say they only play in single player, and will never even see this mythical group ui. on the flip side i only play multiplayer but will almost never group up because i'm a rooooooooooooooogue. and think about the people actually playing as miners, or with dedicated mining ships :o
  20. re: using small blocks as pixel art i tried to do this, but i cant. because the ambient occlusion shadowing even paper thin blocks cause weird shadows on the hull around them. and the game looks really bad with AO off :D
  21. when hitting f2, please add option to snap the camera to be directly behind the ship so it doesn't rotate itself smashing itself against whatever its docked with. same when quitting build mode, oooooooooooooomg lol.
  22. a silly fix but you are right, it does help a lot.
  23. once invisible blocks start happening on copy paste usually for me a crash is soon to follow. started manually restarting when it happens. they appear after reconnecting to the server. and even before that, you can still select an interact with them. only started seeing it on 0.10.5
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