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Everything posted by rater193

  1. oh, i didnt know that there was a mod for this already, its something i made for a freind a long time ago, so i decided to update it, and put it on here.
  2. Larger asteroids This mod works for multiplayer, and singleplayer! The downside to using this mod, the larger the asteroids, the longer they take to mine! BUT the larger the asteroid, the more resources it has! EX: 10x asteroids increase the resources asteroids have by 1000 times, because it increases on the x, y, and z axis 10 times That also means it takes that much longer as well while the 2x only gives it 8x resources, and increases mining time by 8 LargerAsteroids_2X.zip LargerAsteroids_3X.zip LargerAsteroids_5X.zip LargerAsteroids_10X.zip
  3. I am having a strange issue, i opened ports 27000, and 27003 and it still isnt working, its extremely frustrating Here is the galaxies server.ini [Game] Seed=21asSDA1aaFSEX Difficulity=3 InfiniteResources=false CollisionDamage=0 BigWreckageDespawnTime=1800 SmallWreckageDespawnTime=900 LootDiminishingFactor=0.00499999989 ResourceDropChance=0.400000006 TurretDropChanceFromTurret=0.0250000004 TurretDropChanceFromCraft=0.25 TurretDropChanceFromBlock=0.00499999989 SystemDropChanceFromCraft=0.200000003 SystemDropChanceFromBlock=0.00499999989 ColorDropChanceFromCraft=0.0500000007 ColorDropChanceFromBlock=0.00249999994 sameStartSector=false startUpScript=data/scripts/server/server.lua startSectorScript=startsector [system] saveInterval=600 sectorUpdateTimeLimit=300 emptySectorUpdateInterval=0.5 workerThreads=3 generatorThreads=2 weakUpdate=true immediateWriteout=true profiling=false [Networking] port=27000 broadcastInterval=5 isPublic=true isListed=true isAuthenticated=true useSteam=true [Administration] maxPlayers=20 name=TheRageCage description=TheRageCage https://discord.gg/2MJeEQa password= accessListMode=Blacklist
  4. First off, there are a few events that i would like to tap into, so i can implement some specific code. The main thing i want, is the ability to check when a player chats and/or types commands, then return true/false to allow, or disallow the event to continue Wanted event: Detect when a player chats example: Event.register(Events.player.onChat, function(eventData) local player = eventData.player local message = eventData.message if(message=="The phrase i dont want to be displayed in chat") then return false end if(message=="/UNWANTEDCOMMAND") then return false end --Btw, i know u can just edit the galaxies admin.xml file, but i want to implement a custom permissions engine return true end) If it returns false, then it doesnt process the event any further Wanted event: Detect when a players data saves/loads, and append custom data to it example: Events.register(Events.player.onDataSave, function(player, data) data.append("Refference name", "The saved bit of data") end) Events.register(Events.player.onDataLoad, function(player, data) local targetdata = data.read("Refference name") print(targetdata) --This would print out "The saved bit of data" end) The event engine would be a lot easier to handle if we could register to events directly, and even trigger the events.
  5. If you are joining the server, say hi in the comments ;)
  6. General server info: We are a small community, aiming at getting more members who play this game. If you are looking to have fun while playing this game, and looking to meet others who play the game to, come join our discord! Right now, we do not just give out our server address, unless you come on discord, and talk with one of the admins first, The only rule on the server, is dont be a prick. Admins: DrVox rater193 TitanBlade If you see any of the admins on, talk to them to get permission to join the server! have fun! Want to help develop for the server? ask the admins on the discord! @Admin
  7. i was wanting something handled by lua though, i noticed that was handled by csharp, at work atm, so cant reply immediately
  8. oh wow, this saved me a TON of work xD thx :P
  9. I am in the middle of writing a custom server management command pack for backing up and restoring sectors/players, as well as a few other things, once i finish it, i will start exposing functions again.
  10. ill add all the exposed functions, and their arguments to the post, btw i found out u can find the entities functions here /Avorion/Documentation/Entity.html
  11. Oh wow, i realized that it all was already pretty well doccumented, however i will still post the exposed functions here, including the hidden ones! :P Hello, i looked at the documentation, its great and everything, but doesnt show ALL the functions that players can use, for example, using the players inventory, or even a list of player functions(unless i looked over it lol) I have however been able to expose the functions manually, but i still dont know what the arguments for the functions might be. Regardless, i will post what i found here, in case anyone else wants to know :P If anyone else needs me to expose some functions for a userdata object, let me know, and i will add it here. Exposed functions Player: Description: To get a player, just type Player(playerid) and that will return the userdata object. Example usage: local targetPlayer = Player(5) local inventory = targetPlayer:getInventory() btw i just read over what i typed, and didnt realize i typed targetPlayer:targetPlayer() fail >_< i feel stupid now :P anyways i updated the code sniplet to what it should have been targetPlayer:getInventory() Functions: Player's inventory Description: get the players inventory by calling player:getInventory() Functions: Comment here for any userdata objects yo want exposed
  12. btw, is there any specific thing you are looking for in the mod loader? let me know so i am aware of it, and can add it in.
  13. "modloader" is an ambiguous term, but it would be nice to be able to load mods from a general directory without needing to modify exsisting files or folders. Ill give a crack at it, at least until the developer makes something official. I will post it on the forums when i get it able to be stable
  14. This game needs a better documented system for mods, if they dont release one soon, im going to just make a wiki on how to mod the game :P
  15. I noticed that there was a documentation for avorion, but there was no real "guide" on how to set things up like custom commands, or tapping into events, or even explaining how the script hierarchy loads, mind please adding something like that to the documentation, it would help modders out a LOT.
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